
  1. M

    Case Stickers Online

    Hi I want to know where I can get case stickers online which deliver to Jammu and Kashmir. Also the price should be good because who buys one case sticker for a 1000 rupees, eh? Help me out.
  2. R

    How to buy games from

    Hi, I need to buy Borderlands 2 from says game downloads only available for US customers.Can any1 who buys the game from amazon help me out here?
  3. Charley

    Sell Old Books - Where ?

    I want to sell my old BBM & MBA text books. Where should I sell it ? I'm in Bangalore Is there an online site which buys old books ?
  4. vaibhav23

    Gfx for 3k

    My friends wants to buy a GPU and has a budget of 3k-3.5k.He has this config:- C2D E7500 2.93 Ghz 2 GD DDR3 1066 450 watt intex PSU:? He doesn't want to buy a new PSU now and wants to use the GPU he buys for 2-3 yrs:oops: Please friends tell the for which the GPU he...
  5. Sathish

    Nokia buys Symbian

    I think.. Its much expected news.. *
  6. naveen_reloaded

    Create a RUMOUR for 2008¿. Come in and Enjoy!

    We all løvé rumours..dont we? Here is your chance to create your own rumour for this new year 2008.. Be creative..lets see with what yöü come up with? WARNING..:-D Dont take anything said in this thread very seriously...some can happen,some will never...thats what they call...
  7. devauniversal

    Google Buys Internet Phone Company !

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