
  1. A

    Optimized internet speed

    Hello i think no one would be remembering me. But i am abhinav SO, i am having a Sify connection Plan: 450/p month unlimited speed: 48kbps Can anyone suggest me a software or a thing to optimize the speed...
  2. M

    wht does this error means????any idea

    i m getting this error quite some appication also doesnt run becoz of this.......any idea...wht does it mean and how can it b corrected?????
  3. P

    How can i moniter clint pc Data trasfer in internet..??

    My Dear Friends..!! I have a cafe how can i control or watch My Data Traster Rate of my clint pc..?? i have a cyber cafe...!! I have win 2000 Server ..!! and 9 clint pc have 2000 pro.!! now i want ot watch which computer use how much data transter send recive...!! becoz now a...
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