
  1. a_medico

    <QUERY> Signature aint getting displayed

    why my signature aint getting displayed? its less than 255 or whatever characters...still... my signature is :- Dell Inspiron 700m Pentium® M 1.70 GHz, 12.1-in WXGA, 1GB DDRSDRAM, 80GB HD, 8x CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW) Intel® PRO/Wireless 802.11 a/b/g, 8-cell Lithium Ion Primary Battery...
  2. Choto Cheeta

    Personal WebPage building Tools..

    Now a days webhostings & domains r becoming very cheap... so any one can have their own website.... but problem comes when designing the site... many of the users dont have knoldge of either HTML or FLASH... so there r alternetive to build ur website.... like useing offline simple tools...
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