
  1. G

    Abhishek Manu Singhvi's leaked CD goes viral on the Internet

    Abhishek Manu Singhvi's leaked CD goes viral on the Internet - Politics - Politics News - ibnlive Heres another report:lol: *
  2. J

    ATK Keyboard Service! What is it?

    Today when I happened to look for what services are running in my XP Home, there was a new service "ATK Keyboard Service" which was never seen previously. The path is "C:\WINDOWS\ATKKBService.exe". A search in google refers to some Asustek Keyboard Service and also to some trojans. (I use MS KB...
  3. P

    PHP-GTK not installing.

    When i try to build configure i am getting this error make: phpize: Command not found make: *** [buildmk.stamp] Error 127 What can be done to it? Even i tried to install GTK+ , for this also i was getting error. I installed Pango, cairo, pkg-config, glib but not atk because i was...
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