
  1. victor_rambo

    Everyday 2-3 girls ask "Are you single?" or "Are you looking for better job"

    I am tired of receiving these mails from rediffmail and sify in my inbox. I signed up with sify and then also with rediffmail. But these advertisers won't leave me alone anywhere. Are these advertisers dumb? Do they think we need to receive their ads everyday? or rather does SicFy or Rediff...
  2. adithyagenius

    Crazy Steve Ballmer thread

    The following are youtube videos. Steve Ballmer selling windows 1.0 * Steve Ballmer goes crazy * Steve Ballmer does cheap sexy talk. "coming and coming and...
  3. Ankur Mittal

    Google says it loses $1 billion a year to false ad clicks

    Google Inc. loses about $1 billion US a year to "click fraud" or other invalid click-throughs on its ad service, the company says. Advertisers have been asking Google for a clearer picture of the reach and effectiveness of their ads. Google's AdWords service brings together advertisers and...
  4. blueshift

    Google to offer advertisers click fraud stats

    Source For those who play tricks with adsense..beware!!
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