
  1. comp@ddict

    Is This Possible?

    Guys, I recently used DDR3 RAM 1333MHz on my 780i mobo to run some benchmarks. Funny thing is I lately learnt that 780i supports MAX 1200MHZ DDR2. Then how come the DDR3 was running. I'm pretty much confused!!!
  2. cyborg47

    alternative to 780i mobo???

    im biulding a config c2q q9300 2.5ghz nforce nvidia 780i sli 8800gt 512 mb ddr3 the mobo costs abt 13k...but my dealer says, with all the taxes and shipping charges it will costs me abt 15k....is that true???...if it is, is there any other alternative board.....im gonna use the pc for animation...
  3. ArZuNeOs

    nforce 780i chipset TO HIT THE SCREENS THIS DECEMBER !!!! [

    Source : digitimes Nvidia is planning to launch its Intel-based nForce 780i chipset in December this year, however mass shipments will not occur until January next year, according to sources at motherboard makers. The nForce 780 SLI chipset will be available to two forms, the nForce 780i SLI...
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