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  1. P

    Dota 2

    guys i am available from tonight party matches after 7pm anyday, please invite me if you are playing. i couldn't get last hits even in mid lane after 2 weeks gap to DOTA. DOTA is a very demanding game :shock:
  2. P

    Dota 2

    Did we win that match??? I had to leave because booked tickets for 5pm movie that day:-(
  3. P

    Dota 2

    I agree ^^. Alteast following 1st and 2nd points is not so difficult, is it ?? :p
  4. P

    Dota 2

    Guys after playing with u guys, here are my 2 cents on how to make better experience out of DOTA 2. I know these are fairly regular and well known points but i can see guys are NOT following these basics. 1. Always pick equal or greater number of Ranged heroes in comparison to enemy team...
  5. P

    Dota 2

    guys i am available, starting now, all today. Ping me for lobby/party matches
  6. P

    Dota 2

    Guys Steam ID: KEVVKEKA I am available anytime after 7pm daily. All of you guys add me in steam.
  7. P

    Dota 2

    It is very easy to kill DROW if a hero has stun abilities or burst damage. It is impossible for DROW to face lion/lina/dragon untill mid game.... And any carry with jump abilities like PH/RIKI/MAGE/HUSKAR/SLARK etc can kill her at any point in the game
  8. P

    Dota 2

    Funny story ..yesterday i played 2 games with HUSKAR and my stats were like 18 2 4 first game 13 24 5 for the second game...the second game went on for 85 mins and i couldn't kill even witch doctor with bkb, am, heart of tarrasque
  9. P

    Dota 2

    Guys add me as well ON STEAM.. STEAM ID: KEVVKEKA I have started playing directly DOTA 2 since nov '12 and i think i got a hang of it now.. Though not as pro as some of the guys here, i think i will enjoy playing with u guys..
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