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  1. G

    The Photography Thread

    @theserpent - the squirrel is cool & with the tree its looks great , but that background, its way too bright & gets distracting, @abhidev - nice, though it could be better. Reminds me of a similar photo I took earlier. Here it is I didn't really wanted to pots to be visible.
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    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Is this movie about the guys who accidentally send the girl a wrong tape?
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    The Photography Thread

    Yeah, I don't really like that photo. couldn't get it right, the left part was too dark & the right part was bright. May be I should have taken 2 different shots & merged them. Some day I'll go there again & give another try. btw your sunset photo is great. @Naveen.S Your both pics are...
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    The Photography Thread

    @lm2k - That last shot doesn't at all looks like an HDR. It'd look better with more contrast but thats just my personal preference. Didn't have a tripod or anywhere to place the camera for a long exposure with that photo. But this one is with a long exposure taken sometime last year, Didn't...
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    The Photography Thread

    @marvelousprashant - The first photo is great. The colours look great on the 2nd but I'd clone out those people & is it me or is the tower slightly tilted.
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    The Photography Thread

    @ quan chi, pranav0091 - Thanks for your comments. About the 16:9 part, Do you guys shoot with a fixed aspect ratio or do you change the aspect ratio while shooting as per the photograph needs it ? @kjuvale - Those plane shots are great.
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    The Photography Thread

    Please critique.
  8. G

    The Photography Thread

    @tkin, digitfan - thanks for your comments on the bird photo. @kjuvale - starnberger & Eiffel tower are great. A bit too much sharpening on the first one for me. Can you guys link your photos in such a way so that we see the larger versions here ? I mean its boring to click on each photo to...
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    Musicians Corner V1: Cover Band Edition

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask. Can you guys suggest bands similar to - Three days grace / Linkin Park / Story of the Year / Evanescence ... that genre, not really much difficult to play & tuning in drop D or Drop Db or standard tuning.
  10. G

    The Photography Thread

    @kjuvale - Those are great photos, is it a hdr ? Thats the closest I could get, Couldn't defocus the cage anymore.
  11. G

    How often to open up your cabinet ?

    Don't know. I don't really check them. That's good, I think I should start doing the light cleaning monthly, though the major problem is the dust in the GPU & CPU fan which won't go by just blowing, I need to use those swabs. Thanks guys for for your suggestions.
  12. G

    How often to open up your cabinet ?

    Yeah, The last time I wasn't sure If I was applying thermal paste uniformly over the surface, that's why I didn't bother taking it off this time. Cycle pump - Good idea; and you sealed up all the holes ? Won't that be a problem with overheating inside ? I suppose vacuuming is not a good...
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    Musicians Corner V1: Cover Band Edition

    Does it sound right ? I've broken the high E string twice. now I have 2 spare sets of strings without the high E, the shop guys don't sell individual strings.
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    The Photography Thread

    Nice photos, I love how your photos are sharp and contrasty; What camera ? The 3rd, Cycle & camera in mirror ones are the best for me.
  15. G

    How often to open up your cabinet ?

    So today I opened up my pc, took out all parts & cleaned out the dust & there was a lot of it, I do this around every 3 months for about the last one year, since I upgraded to this rig. I don't really like taking off the cpu fan, The time before I had some trouble putting it on back, This time...
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Here are some with TV ENB
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I usually skip the nights with the wait option, I think the default is "T" on the keyboard.
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    Metro 2033

    Pressed down the key for some time / tapping the key several times it doesn't work. I also tried changing the key binding & restarting levels but no luck. I've looked it up, there are quite some results with people reporting this problem. About the 1 hr thing, its just some thing with me...
  19. G

    Metro 2033

    I can't take off that gas mask no matter what. The game is good but I can't play it more than one hour at a time. @anirbandd: btw your suggestion for 1600*900 works well, I get about 35 fps on average.
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Super RL enb nights aren't that dark for me. I mostly switch between Super RL & TV Enb (looks better but is slower). Any one used Climates of Tamriel ? How is the performance on that ?
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