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  1. G

    DSLR Dilemma......

    Not sure If I understand everything there. Not simple as it sounds. So Zoom != magnification & the amount of maginification will depend on the focal length of the lens.
  2. G

    The Photography Thread

    Thanks. But its really simple. Search for Little Planet on Flickr/you tube, people have done it a 1000X better. Used photoshop for this. Here's how to do this. - In the photo, Make sure the horizon is straight - Try to use a photo where the sky/land is similar on left & right because that's...
  3. G

    DSLR Dilemma......

    This is newbie question. So what is zoom actually ? is it the amount of magnification or simply dividing max & min length of the lens ? Will a subject at 200 mm on a 50-200 mm lens (4x zoom) appear to be at same distance from the camera as on a 25-200 mm lens at 200mm (8x zoom) ?
  4. G

    The Photography Thread

    Here's with a panorama. Sorry everyone its actually PP-> make photo square -> Invert Photo -> Filter -> Distort - > Polar Co-Ordinates -> Rectangular to Polar Circular.
  5. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    I hope I did. Which parts were confusing for you ? The only confusing part I thought was.
  6. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    I love this movie. The ending was brilliant too. Can count it among my all time favorites. Check out the other 3 endings too, I guess they should be on youtube. I like the theatrical one the best. Saw Gravity 3D this week. 6.5/10 The visuals are the best. The 3d looks great too &...
  7. G

    The Photography Thread

    Single Shot & PP -> Invert Photo -> Filter -> Polar to Circular.
  8. G

    Point And Shoot - camera below Rs. 15000

    But then think about it, are you willing to carry a DSLR everywhere with you when you want to take photos ? If yes , its cool. I don't own a DSLR because I need my camera to fit in my jeans pocket.
  9. G

    The Photography Thread

    @incinerator - Duck photos are nice. I like the 7th the best Here's something just for fun.
  10. G

    Point And Shoot - camera below Rs. 15000

    From what I've read, Low light performance and high zoom don't go together. Low light needs larger sensor / modern processor for noise handling & its physically impossible to fit a high zoom lens on a larger sensor presently. From my personal experience, Sony HX10V is the best high zoom...
  11. G

    Photo Projects - Practical Approach

    @nac - The flower photo is too good; do you have a colour version too ? I never get those kind of bokeh light circles. What's that thing in the foreground in the 2nd one ?
  12. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Any one here seen Critters ? I saw a bit of the 3rd part on TV yesterday, Id like to watch if they are good.
  13. G

    The Photography Thread

    @toofan - Great photos. Do you do this as a profession ? @nac - nice chicken.. was it really that yellow ?
  14. G

    The Photography Thread

    is it my monitor or are your photos too saturated ? The "Avatar Style" looks nice. @Faun - Nice Photo.
  15. G

    The Photography Thread

    Camera - Sony H55 Made from 3 photos.
  16. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Thanks. I've seen Bill & Ted's both movies. I think I read somewhere they were planning a 3rd one.
  17. G

    You Consider Cost or Satisfaction

    Cost for me, The satisfaction bar always keeps on raising higher. ex. Few years ago I had a 17''monitor, Now I got a 23'', I cannot see myself going lower again. I have a GTX 560ti now. I could probably afford a 760 now, but I won't because I know if I get that in a few months it wouldn't...
  18. G

    Which one portrays more violent - MOVIES or GAMES ?

    I'd choose movies if I had to choose between them. Frankly movie violence does not bother me, it does not actually influences most common people. what bothers me are those 8pm saas-bahu soaps & serials, corrupts the minds of girls, gives them wierd ideas. Game violence in a way is...
  19. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Not seen this one, but I've seen Cube-HyperCube - People inside a cube like structure. Are these related ?
  20. G

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Retroactive - 6.5/10 Pretty good Time Travel Action movie. Saw this on TV yesterday, It was better than I expected considering it was probably a B grade, direct to video movie.
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