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  1. ymhatre

    Is this rig over-priced?

    Wht Cyrux said is right indeed. No idea abt kobian cabinet.. Never heard of... If u can change Cabinet n need a cool one then u can go for VIP GAMING CABINETS. [more costlier but best quality then rest of all. sorry no compaision with ANTEC <---- BEST IN ITS CLASS] or Zebronics cabinet...[...
  2. ymhatre


    HOw do we know whether the applied fan is working as a cooler ie sucking air inside or exhaust ie throwing air outside... n also where to place which fan. i mean in front pannel which fan also in rear pannel which fan... also a t side which fan shld be applied....
  3. ymhatre

    My Latest OC [Overclock]

    So Dark Lord please ... my name is YMHATRE n not YMHATER... Also my pet name is yogi... So i was confused at first, when u said the above lines. Also THNX for information... n where would i get the above software mentioned by u to check the stability... Also how would i know wheter the PC...
  4. ymhatre

    Suggest Good 5.1 speakers for about 16K MAX

    Thnx GUys for being supportive But i finally decided to go SONY DAV DZ120K Cuz it was fitting in my buudget n sony is trust worthy
  5. ymhatre


    @ yogi7272 Thnx for ur support But i was knowing tht My quetion is which fan to go for n how much does it cost....? @ mayanksharma R u talking about applying thermal paste to the processor... IF yess Then i have a question 4 u??? After applyong thermal paste by how much temperature of...
  6. ymhatre

    need help regarding Cabinet

    Ya definately zebronic is good... BUt better is VIP cabinets... If ur lagging in money then go for Antibiotic frm Zebronic Please mention ur budget for cabinets n PSU both...
  7. ymhatre

    Need Rate for Zen Vision:M

    Sorry nawaz123 i purposely said tht im a new bie so th u wont mind explanning abt the product... also i had never heard abt ZEN...
  8. ymhatre

    My Latest OC [Overclock]

    dark lord can u please help me oout in overclocking my rig as mentioned above...
  9. ymhatre

    My CASE MOD --- Reviewed SEE it yourself!!

    @ TECH&ME Thnx YEs i need ur help in seting up tht 4 LEDs I dono how to build tht circuit... as i said im still in 1st year.... PLease help me in tht...
  10. ymhatre

    Suggest Good 5.1 speakers for about 16K MAX

    IS there any advantage of having Pasive Sub woofer
  11. ymhatre

    20k buget for pc

    HEy guys all giving him post of AMD related rigs... Even there r good rig of celeron n pentium coming around 20000 here it goes P4 2.66 intel 533 ---4600 Asus P5RD1 _ VM --- 3200 80 GB 7200 RPM Seagate Barracuda SATA Hard Disk - -- 2600 Normal ATX Cabinet with 400 Watts SMPS --- 1000...
  12. ymhatre

    BEst mobo + procesor + ram + Graphic card for 15K's only

    HEy guys one more task i n front if me need to construct the same in the same budget any new ideas...
  13. ymhatre

    Need Rate for Zen Vision:M

    HEY man can u tell wht is ZEN Vision Sorry but im a new bie
  14. ymhatre

    POP warrior within help...

    When u come after activating 1st tower u need to activate mechanical then go for second.... HEy did u got Lion sword from Kayleena.... we get this sword after activating 1st tower....
  15. ymhatre


    FEAR will give u som kind of FEAR I guess cuz it needs 1GB of ram... Rest all the games will run
  16. ymhatre

    POP warrior within help...

    See i had a walk thru for this one it has a note (Note: The next set of directions are to get you to the Garden tower path. IF you want to do the Mechanical one first you can but when you return after activating the Garden tower as the second tower be sure to move the handle in this Big...
  17. ymhatre

    Age of empires. my pc's of 18th century

    NO man INTEL 915GLVG DONT HAVE EITHER OF IT. I KNow tht cuz my frnd has one... Still for satisfaction go vist
  18. ymhatre


    HMMM Summer is getting too hot I need some cooling devices..... I hav got budget of Rs 500 I m having Intel P4 2.66 (533) P5RD1 - VM mobo 300 Watt SMPS Having VIP G300 Cabinet This Cabinet has got many options for fitting FAns... NOw the prblem is tht im having no FANS... I just wanna...
  19. ymhatre

    My Latest OC [Overclock]

    HI DARK LORD THT WAS MIND BLOWING HEy even im interested in overclocking my RIG *ANYTHINK HAPPENS TO IT IM RESPONSIBLE* BUt then too please help me in over clocking my rig safely HERES it Intel P4 2.66 533 fsb ASUS P5RD1 - VM MObo 256(266) + 512 (333) ram = 768 ram 40 gb HDD 5400 rpm...
  20. ymhatre


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