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  1. N

    PC Game Deals

    I've always wondered if those free games include AAA games...
  2. N

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Was playing BF4 MP along with W_D, was having great fun. Then, I needed to visit my native, took my GPU with me (lol) and tried to insert it into the cabinet, a local VIP one. But there's this HDD guard thing which is obstructing my huge-arse GPU. And... err... this is a bit offtopic but are...
  3. N

    Battlefield 4

    Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion Not having any of those. Can launch without a sweat.
  4. N

    [PC] Grand Theft Auto V

    Re: GTA V coming to PC Watch_Dogs has become so much better than the console-peasantry version of W_D. :> Only thing that bugs me is that if the game is MP-oriented and cannot be played from the start. If it's SP, I love tweaking and doing things to make it work, that's the joy of PCs...
  5. N

    Battlefield - Hardline a.k.a OMAHA

    I just didn't feel it. It's an awkward mix of BF and CS, and for me, it didn't turn out well. They did improve the vehicle physics and collision, though it feels more like urban maps of BF4 than an actual city fight b/w cops and robbers, feels too deserted. I know they may have been evacuated...
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    Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4 Atleast they were kind enough to leave it in the files and not say "f**k it and delete". IDK how much extras there will be for GTAV when it releases for PC in the name of mods. EDIT: And too much open-world games coming out. I can absolutely not...
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    Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4 If you don't mind, sam, I'd like you to upload your xml file. That game looks so darn beautiful now.
  8. N

    Far Cry 4

    IDK, I'm not feeling the hype, feels like FC3 all over again. Hope I'm wrong though.
  9. N

    [PC] Grand Theft Auto V

    Re: GTA V coming to PC I expected Sony fanboys to be more like my pseudo-raging PCer, or that's what I've seen going to N4G on a daily basis. That site's a joke, mention anything about good things of MS and you'll get kicked out. xD You da man, Gollum. We'll meet again in Middle-Earth...
  10. N

    [PC] Grand Theft Auto V

    Re: GTA V coming to PC Effin' console peasants, ruining the gaming industry. I will be very happy when Sony goes bankrupt and dies and have nothing but TVs, maybe phones to sell. *PC fanboyism off* Yeah, I'm not serious and I'm pseudo-raging because I don't own PS4.
  11. N

    nVidia's Gameworks Bane for PC Gaming?

    I can only think of BF4. And the new freakishly-awesome looking Star Citizen.
  12. N

    nVidia's Gameworks Bane for PC Gaming?

    Well, ef GW then, doesn't do shyt, Mantle is better. :D
  13. N

    nVidia's Gameworks Bane for PC Gaming?

    I hope so too.
  14. N

    nVidia's Gameworks Bane for PC Gaming?

    sam: I know the facts, been reading about it since W_D came out, but it doesn't change the fact that GW optimized games run poorly on AMD cards, like Batman series, ACIV and now W_D. Mantle uses GCN architecture to improve the framerate for those who own GCN cards, it doesn't harm the NVIDIA...
  15. N

    nVidia's Gameworks Bane for PC Gaming?

    It's a goddarn bane, effing Nvidia monopolizing GPU dept. Even though I might not get better performance from my AMD card, I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking to AMD cards till they go bankrupt (exaggeration).
  16. N

    [PC] Grand Theft Auto V

    Re: GTA V coming to PC If it's priced any where near 2k, I'll be surprised. I'm guessing something like 2799 range.
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    E3 2014

    Re: E3 2014 Discussion thread I felt the gameplay was too Titanfall-ish, the smoke and animations still look like CoD4. F*ck CoD. (:P)
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    E3 2014

    Re: E3 2014 Discussion thread I felt AC: Unity's crowd, the animations, man weren't they kool as hell. I literally jazzed (yeah, you know ;)) seeing those moves. It was all very, very well done. It might be Watch_Dogs all are over again, but since it's only current-gen, I have hope. And FC4...
  19. N

    E3 2014

    Re: E3 2014 Discussion thread Assassin's Creed Unity was the best looking game in E3, and Ubi's conference was the most exciting. And I'm guessing my R9 280X can't get the job done. (I've never regretted so much for my PC buy. :<) EA's was the crapiest. I wished MS should've announced...
  20. N

    E3 2014

    Re: E3 2014 Discussion thread I didn't get excited by DA Inquisition. And Evil Within is that kinda game which I might play during the drought period next year (April-Oct).
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