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  1. M

    Plz help... UNKNOWN VIRUS (open outlook)

    Hello Dear in your posts you said you had formatted and re-installed and even then the virus is active, that means the virus is either sitting along with one of the Files in the other partition from where you could be installing some programs or in one of the CDs from which you could be...
  2. M

    ntldr missing error while starting win xp

    Try this as this the only action available to correct "ntldr" error, other than ofcourse Recovery console or Re-installing, by which you will lose your valuable data. Check for any PC if you know has the same windows XP version installed on it, if you can find it just Copy the "ntldr" file...
  3. M

    Please Help to Configure USB Based ADSL Modem in RHLE4

    Hi, I have a USB Based ADSL Modem which works fine with Win-XP, It is detected and is available in Hardware List in my Red Hat Linux Enerprise 4, I have installed the required driver for it in Linux, BUT the "ttyACM0,1,2.." files are not found and also "ttyUSB0,1,2.." files are absent in /dev...
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