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  1. S

    Which is better

    ya i know it was a silly question but just thought of confirming. Anyways, any advice on graphics card issue.
  2. S

    Which is better

    sorry guys for late reply. I didnt get any updates in my mail that u ppl have replied here. Anyways, as a result of enquiry I made here at a shop, the latest model available with them is Nvidia Geforce 10*** @ around Rs. 2400 and radion HD 5470 @ same price. So our budget is also around that...
  3. S

    Which is better

    well, I was looking for a 1 GB graphics card for the following configuration. pls advise (alongwith the price if possible)! cpu - AMD Athlon 5200 XP (64 bit) AM2 MBoard - AMD-Asus M2N-MX SE Plus Memory - DDR2 3 GB (800) (1 of 1Gb and another of 2 GB) Hard Disk - 480 GB SATA Graphics card...
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