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  1. K

    Pls recommend a UPS

    Which company sells it for that price? The apc br700va-in is selling for Rs3800 so I doubt they will reduce 2k for the 600va. Edit: @saswat23 Did you mean this one? (Theitdepot - APC Back UPS 600 (BR600CI-IN)) There are so many models and am just curious why a that apc br700va-in is...
  2. K

    Pls recommend a UPS

    Hey guys,I wanted to buy a UPS to provide a power back-up to my PC for only a few minutes to shut-down my system.Now i have been recommended APC BR1.1KVA-IN by a friend but i feel its too expensive(5K :cry:) and not needed when i am going to switch off in a few minutes. My system specifications...
  3. K

    Gaming PC for 35K

    RRigod can u tell me why my build is so different from guruDapreets's build? I am asking this cause he has a better mobo, psi and case than me for a Additional 1270 rs. And also in that same forum they talk about how zebatronics is horrendous. I am just wondering.....
  4. K

    Gaming PC for 35K

    Can you give details of them( with price )? Would appreciate it a lot!
  5. K

    Gaming PC for 35K

    Yea eventually have to buy the original os,so no point waiting for the inevitable. As for the gpu will a factory oc version of 6850 run on this build? ( cause it will be better in the long run). Thx for all the help8-)
  6. K

    Gaming PC for 35K

    Hope you dont mind my additional questions.. 1) Isnt Zebronics Bijli bad? I read in one of the stickys posted that it is not to be bought ever. 2)Will this config work out over next 3 years as newer games arrive? 3)As for the windows 7 OS, i guess i will let the dealers install one of...
  7. K

    Gaming PC for 35K

    Greetings! I am finally gettting a pc after 8 years so here goes!:-D 1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et...
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