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  1. M

    Spice Mi 410: 4.1" 1Ghz affordable power Android power house

    Yup .. its up for grabs @ Spice Mi-410 | Spice Mobile Phones | for 13999. Was waiting for this phone coz I wanted to buy a new mobile. Its a choice between this and the good old optimus one. Wanted to have a look at the actual piece first then decide (its still not available here...
  2. M

    Post your latest Purchase

    Hey guys. Thanks to some help from some of the guys, details of my final Purchases along with stuff I already had. New Stuff: Mbd : Gigabyte G41M-Combo @ 2.3k Gfx : Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 @ 11.3k. Had got MSI 6850 first but that was faulty out of the box. Waited 1 week for replacement coz...
  3. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hi Guys. Finally got the replacement card. Got a Sapphire HD 6850 which costs 11,300 so got back 200 bucks. Spent a lot more on petrol going and coming quite a few times. Good news is card Works. Hopefully will last for quite a few years. The reviews i read online say that this card comes with...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    @ssb1551 -> What I meant was that I didnt notice any difference with the 5770 at 1920x1080 and 1280x720. With max details everything looked the same to me in both resolutions sitting a few feet away. So what I was trying to say is that people looking to save some money can go for a lower end...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    @Sam.Shab --> Already can enjoy games. The 5770 runs Mafia II & some other games I tried at Max Settings. Will not miss the new card I guess so much. The guy was trying to give he a HD 4350 or some other crap as a standby though :D @ssb1551 & @piyush --> I kinda already suspected that the...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hey .. dragged my PC to the shop and found out the new MSI 6850 was faulty. My system was able to run a Sapphire 5770 and a MSI GTX 460 without any issues. The HD 6850 gave same issues on another Asus G41 chipset motherboard. Just my luck. Banged my head and wasted so much time...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Cilius, I did fiddle around with that Setting ... It has 2 options: 1) Onboard always enable 2) Enable when no external PEG. (This one seems correct) Note : There is no only PEG option here or disable onboard option. I tried both settings. First initialized device option is also there ...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    @Sam.Shab --> Initially when I hadnt bought the card, the intel driver was there .. when i bought card I plugged it, it loaded to vga mode and I installed driver and restart. Got problem then... But since then I have tried 2-3 fresh OS Installs and did not install any intel gfx driver in...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    @Sam.Shab --> there is no Disable IGP in bios. Only "Enable If No Ext PEG" is there which is selected. And already tried 2 fresh OS's. Both XP and Vista 32bit. @piyush --> Didnt try installing the gfx drivers first and then putting in the card. Will try once. But what you said means every...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Yes the GPU is sitting quite correctly and is not loose. Say if it was not sitting correctly, then in VGA mode it should not work right ?
  11. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hey Guys, thanks for all the help so far. I bought all the stuff and now am having problems Please HELP Me.. The PC Details: CPU - Intel Q9550 Mbd - Gigabyte GA G41M-Combo Ram - 4BG DDR2 800MHz Running in Dual Channel Mode Gfx - MSI Radeon HD 6850 PSU - Corsair vx 550 OS's Tried ...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hey guys ... which will be better ?? MSI 6850 (11.5k) vs Sapphire 6850 (11.something .. yet to get pricing. I guess a little cheaper around 11.2k) ???? Or is there still some better card than this in similar price ?? Like some GTX 460 ??
  13. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Somone please tell me which CPU cooler is better .. the Cooler Master Hyper 212 + or the Scythe Katana 3 ???
  14. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hey Guys. Purchased a few things yesterday Locally NZXT Gamma - 2250 (Shocked to find it @ Hyderabad. Question here is what minimum fans to get now for decent cooling?) LG SATA DVD Writer - 950 (Doesnt have any LG marking except the sticker) Gigabyte G41m-Combo Motherboard - 2300 HD 6850...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Thanks Pegasus.... How are the original intel motherboards .. G31 or G41 chipsets .. i donno exact names compared to these Asus/Gigabyte ones ?? I know that I loose quite a lot of overclocking features right ? But at stock conditions which motherboards are better ?
  16. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    @Cilus --> Thanks for the suggestion. Even I saw this MOBO on the Delta Peripherasls price list. Hopefully can get one locally in Hyderabad too. how much should a Intel Stock HSF cost for the Core 2 Quad ?? New or used ??
  17. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    hey .. a sudden offer I got ... Instead of a new Athlon 635 + 880G Mobo + 4GB DDR3, I am getting a used Core2Quad Q9550 + 4GB DDR2, just need to buy a LGA 775 Mobo which should be under 3k i hope. Suggest a good Mobo please. How will the gaming performance be with the Q9550. Oh and I need...
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    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    Hey Guys. At last the day of waiting is here. HD6850 seems to be finally available (almost) in India @ 11.2 as per Lynx Website. So this is the better buy comprated to the GTX 460 (1GB/768Mb) Right ? Once this is decided I'll finally get my rig :) The newly launched Sapphire 6800...
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    ***requesting config. for a multimedia pc***

    ah these assemblers ... all they know in graphics cards is 512 mb and 1gb ... they dont give **** about performance :D You say u wanna game .. they will happily give you the outdated and cheapest 1gb card they have ... saying 1gb hai .. best hai ... sasta hai .. latest games chalega .. aajkal...
  20. M

    Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

    The site has all the links to various reviews of the 6850 and 6870 *www.eliteb* Replace the * in the above url with "a"
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