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  1. I

    low-end gfx card for vista

    thank you all guys for the help and suggestions. now how to close this thread?
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    thanks samrulez u've been a great help and thanks to all others for sharing their knowledge i'll try to squeeze 6600 (non-GT) 128mb in my budget if not i'll go for 6200 256MB over 128MB is it okay?
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    actually what i wanted to know that 5200 (AGP8x) with 128-bit and 256-mb both double of 6200's (AGP8x)64-bit and 128-mb would do any good? thanks.
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    5200 or 6200 as i said earlier i couldnt find 6200 AGP 8x 128-Bit 128MB (and didnt even searched for 5200 128-Bit 128MB)
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    the reason im keen on getting low end card is that i'll be buying a completely new computer in dec or jan next year. and my current system has AGP 8x slot so i'd rather buy high end gfx card with the new system with PCI-E and morely ive adjusted my budget in other things the prices by then...
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    yeah im not sure infact ive no idea about gfx cards i was just following the "bigger is better" funda
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    okay guys thanks for all the replies i am considering 6200 AGP 8x 128-bit 256mb for 3900/- but you guys are suggesting 6600 (LE or NON-GT) /* edited: also is FX series is that bad that even 128-bit and 256mb of 5200 against that of 64-bit and 128mb of 6200 is no good? */ so can anybody...
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    low-end gfx card for vista

    okay please help me which is the better bet for AGP 8x GeForce 5200 128-bit 256MB or GeForce 6200 64-bit 128MB i know both cards are not as good and outdated but still. also does anyone know if GeForce 6200 128-bit is available in indian market and about what prices? thanks.
  9. I

    Graphics Cards related queries here.

    Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here. okay please help me which is the better bet for AGP 8x GeForce 5200 128-bit 256MB or GeForce 6200 64-bit 128MB i know both cards are not as good and outdated but still. also does anyone know if GeForce 6200 128-bit is available in indian...
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