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  1. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    huhh..that file was deleted and hoping that the dialer wont strike back again..! ya i deleted it successfully suddenly there came a error and system re started instantly sorry i delted that file in normal mode afer restarting the message came that "system restarted due to winlogon failure"
  2. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    ya i have tried to delte file called winabe32.dll but iam getting the error called ... "It is in use with another progrm..make sure that disc is full or write protected....." my access is denied..........thats the error since i delted that TEMP folder came back again
  3. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    ya therz a files called win32spl.dll and winabe32.dll which one can i delete .??? i think its winabe32.dll from your win***32.dll i guess.??
  4. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    thnx sirrrr!! i am on the way..! I did not the network connections when i re booted in Safe mode with netwrk connections except the Lan conection..and that file also not found in the scan in safe mode but i delted them later when i hav not found them in the scan.. and i deleted all the...
  5. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    i rescanned my system when the dialer is it is ... Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 8:44:20 PM, on 7/29/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473) Boot mode: Normal Running processes...
  6. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    the log file sir..! I dont know what to post so i copy pasted it totally..! Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 8:33:33 PM, on 7/29/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473) Boot mode: Normal Running...
  7. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    can i know its URL so that i can down load that..!
  8. netguy

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..!

    Dial up problem.........Help needed really bad conditon..! I use sancharnet as my conection to internet and recently i think a dialer had got installed in my computer... it calls it self as Connection and has a number called ..3660222 and the problem is whenever i connect to the...
  9. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    since ur invisible..........! u ll get 10 / 0 coz no one can rank an invisible guy.....;) :lol: :-P
  10. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    as u say.....this is wt u get...9.42477796
  11. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    huhhaa 10 again ....!!!
  12. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    ^^are bhai u can give more zeros before zero lik this.... 99000000000000/100 may b u mis placed the decimal.....let me correct it for you... u get 99999999/100000000000.....:P
  13. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    ^^ again 9 outta 10......;)
  14. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    hey faraz.....its 5/10.....its just a simple B/W cartoon..!
  15. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    8 /10 for intel.......oops .....nitin
  16. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    huhh.....I am a 10 /10 ..........i lik the Tri Color
  17. netguy

    today's date is unique

    yess!! got this almost at the end of the day.....any ways its interesting..!
  18. netguy

    Rate the avatar above yours

    i ll give u.....9/10 ........for the glow of S...........
  19. netguy

    Can any one suggest a good Nokia Mobile @ 5-6 k

    ^^yeah thanx friend some other out may hav answer my problem!!!.......any ways.i got my price and mobile now i need can i use my mobile to access my orkut .. if Nokia 3110 can do problem is done...!
  20. netguy

    Can any one suggest a good Nokia Mobile @ 5-6 k

    May i know its exact price and can i have access to my orkut via my mobile.....(nokia 3110)
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