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  1. F

    How many Games have you completed?

    Are you asking me? Most of the games are original. But most of the PC games have been borrowed from friends. :)
  2. F

    Video for iPod nano

    Yes, actually you can. I think you need install a version of linux on it. * * But it's quite difficult to do so.
  3. F

    Digital Camera....10 to 12 K

    Canon A400 is very good. 3.2 MP
  4. F

    How many Games have you completed?

    Bump :)
  5. F

    Which is d BEST Mobile Game u ever Played?

    Snakes Pop - The two thrones Fifa 2006
  6. F

    Microsoft Handheld iN late 2007

    LOL prabably will weigh about a kilo and cost 500$+
  7. F

    Is there any way to play PS2 games on PC?

    IIRC, bleem is a PS1 emulator. There is no working PC emulator for any of the 4 consoles.
  8. F

    Will the Wii rule?

    I hope so! I'm a big N fan. And to some extent, 'recycle & rehash the same crap' strategy of MS and sony is true. Nintendo is trying to innovate games - DS and now Wii, and at the same time cut costs for developers.
  9. F

    Freeware / Open Source Games Thread

    Don't know if posted before but- Halo Zero very good game.
  10. F


    AOE II - The conq expansion. If console/handheld games are allowed- Fire Emblem Adavance Wars
  11. F

    Sony Announces PlayStation 3 Pricing

    Yes but traditionally consoles are supposed to cheaper than PC's. That's why I always prefer to play games on a console than PC as it's infinitely cheaper. Paying 600$+ for a console would defeat the purpose of a console. Console prices would keep on rising, until it would be cheaper just to own...
  12. F

    How many Games have you completed?

    Huh? I don't get any money for it. It's a geocities free site.
  13. F

    How many Games have you completed?

    List all your games completed, for current or earlier systems. A game is completed is you manage to see the credits. My games completed list can be found at- *
  14. F


    Whoa.. SNK makes the Metal Slug series. Capcom makes the Megaman, Street Fighter, Resident Evil series among others. I like - NINTNEDO Konami Capcom Square-Enix
  15. F

    Nintendo Wii launching in July for $199??

    Yeah, but more importantly, it will be able to play all of nintendo's and sega genesis's old games!! B/C is what I'm most excited about.
  16. F

    Sony Announces PlayStation 3 Pricing

    What?? 600$ reasonable? Perhaps, but you need to aknowledgein the fact, that you need to buy another controller(50$) and let's say two games (60$ each). You will be set back by about 800$ in one go.
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