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    CD-eating fungus discovered

    Are CDs rotting? According to research done by Proff. Michele Youket, 150 degrees of humidity and a time of about 10 years are enuf for getting the CDs rot. Experts say 2day's music CDs r built 4 longevity -- but only as long as they r kept in their cases, unscratched, at room temperature...
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    Free greeting sites

    Pass free greeting sites here Hey pals, list a few useful free greeting sites here... :arrow:
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    The best broadband offers available across India

    R u using n e firewall. U need to make rules for specific clients. Like eMule uses port 4672 (UDP) & port 4662 (TCP) Shareaza uses port 6346. So u see u need to make rules 4 these in r firewall
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    The best broadband offers available across India

    Well, its a new a ADSL service frm BSNL & MTNL Registration is fast and easy and online. Its now opened 4 just a few (7) cities but will open soon 4 around 198 cities covering all d major cities of India Click : * for more info. Click for registration...
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    Do u kno n e free FTP service?

    comeon, read d post, carefully. Tripod and Angelfire r sites which offer free Webspace for doing website hosting with FTP access. I want something silimar (it can be in any lang) without filename restrictions. Well, thanx googling!
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    Dats rite. I 2 felt the same. It occupies d whole of d screen but has very few functions. Although, I've used Picasa, its not dissappointing it all. How Hello transfers pics fast :?:
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    Do u kno n e free FTP service?

    FREE FTP W/OUT FILENAME RESTRICTIONS Hey Guys! Do n e of u kno bout a free FTP service like Tripod and Angelfire without filename restrictions? Ya, that's very important. There should not be n e filename restrictions. Coz, I have to rename the files everytime i upload them frm HD to the FTP...
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    N e 1 using Hello? How is it? Is it better than YMssgngr? Does Pic transfer really happen fast or its just to attract? Thanx
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    Can you escape this?

    WinXP system attacked by some virus I suppose This problem was actually faced by my frnd. So, I'm trying to retell the prob as he told me... I was using Windows XP Professional. The system got attacked by some virus I suppose, coz it restarted unusually. Ok, now the real prob, I tried to...
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    Plzz tell me bout NIC aka LAN card!!

    Thanx guys! Actually, I signed up 4 BSNL's ADSL Broadband service. They told me a NIC is required. Now i'm going to the stores to buy 1 4 me
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    Plzz tell me bout NIC aka LAN card!!

    What is a NIC? What is its function?? What is ethernet port 10/100??? Will it get connected in a PCI Slot? What is the general Price in India? Thanx!!! :)
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    New Challenge: Delete the 'Startup' folder from Start menu!

    I didn't know u guys consider me 'BOSS' Thanx 4 d compliment Actually, deleting d startup folder is not as easy as u L4|\/|3rs think!!! Some reverse engineering is needed. If u've got dat special nerve, do it otherwise 5|-||_|7 |_||0!!! :twisted:
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    Mouse from keyboard...

    To get details about ur mouse Goto--> Control Panel--> Mouse--> Hardware tab--> Properties--> Advanced Settings U can get the sample rate, Input buffer length & fast initialization options for ur mouse To use the keypad as a mouse in Windows Goto Accessibility Options in Control Panel or...
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    Outlook Express Context Menu

    Seems like only Reverse Engineering can help u. But a really interesting task, [changing context menu in OE] :?:
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    Changing Windows Shell!!

    Well, time to try out all ur suggestions. Lets see if I can append few icons...
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    New Challenge: Delete the 'Startup' folder from Start menu!

    Can't it be deleted without n e probs. Keep trying there might be a solution...
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    New Challenge: Delete the 'Startup' folder from Start menu!

    Can n e 1 delete the Startup Folder from Start Menu - Programs? Its annoying and useless to keep it in the start menu
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    AutoRun CDs not happening in my PC.

    Well, these r the after effects of SP2. Even if have checked 'Don't show this again', it will constantly remind u because of security reasons Well, about the Autorun prob, just restore ur system sometime back using System Restore & every thing should be alrite. Some files might have gone corrupted.
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    Changing Windows Shell!!

    Thanx every1 for suggestions. Actually, I already kno bout the utils. I want to rather change the Windows Shell (%system%/system32/shell32.dll) using Resource Hacker. Its a better option than to install extra apps coz appz eat a lot of MEM N e idea on how to add a new resource in Resource...
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    Changing Windows Shell!!

    How can I add my own icons in the Shell32.dll file located in the Windows System 32 folder in WinXP? I used Resource Hacker but having a problem in adding a resource. Moreover, I don't want to change n e existing settings :D
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