Recent content by wORm

  1. W

    Any Malayalees here?

    Hehe I'm not a mallu but I'm moving to Kozhikode for 2 years to do my MBA in a few days. Malyalam seems like a tough language! I hope to learn some phrases before going to make life easier :p
  2. W

    Help me with paypal issue

    As far as I know, a Paypal account can only be verified with a Credit Card. Debit Cards are accepted but only in some countries, India not being one of them.
  3. W

    "Steam"ing problem, YYET AGAIN

    1. A single steam account can be use on many computers (not simultaneously). 2. There are no easy cracks for Steam that you can download and use.
  4. W

    Best Graphics card in 25K

    If I wanted to splurge 25 grand on gaming, I'd buy an Xbox 360 :p
  5. W

    Windows Crashing, pls help

    If you haven't added any new components/drivers recently, its probably a faulty RAM module.
  6. W

    Internet connection problem!!!

    Have you properly configured Network? IP, DNS, Default Gateway etc ? It seems your network doesn't utilise DHCP.
  7. W

    counter strike online gaming problem

    I guess you will have to login to your friends Steam account in order to play or need his original serial number to create a steam account. See * for more info.
  8. W

    counter strike online gaming problem

    Quick question, are you trying to play on a pirated copy of the game?
  9. W

    Virtual Dub Output File Size (~30GB) [solved]!!

    You probably converting it into uncompressed avi, use a free mpeg4 codec like xvid and convert to that in full processing mode.
  10. W

    Internet gets disconnected after every 5 hours :(

    All Exatt servers are setup to automatically disconnect after 5 hours. Simply tick the "Redial if line is dropped" box in options and it will reconnect automatically.
  11. W

    Nokia 6030 data cable problem

    Download and install Nokia PC Suite: *,,72014,00.html
  12. W

    how much bandwith and space are needed?

    I don't think so, Digit forum is quite popular and probably uses 20GB+ bandwidth and about 500-1000MB in storage, mostly for the MySQL database.
  13. W

    Nokia 6630 or the Sony Erricsson k750i

    Find the one that suits your personality the best. If you want to look cool and listen to music a lot go for k750i. On the other hand if you are a computer geek and want the latest technologies like 3G, Edge, 1000s of apps available for Symbian and surfing on the go on a larger screen go for 6630.
  14. W

    Can I find a X-Box 360 in India???

    I'm personally waiting for a bit till Xbox 360 mod-chips are developed and then buy from grey market.
  15. W

    Best Cell phone under 15 K

    I bought 6630 3 days ago for Rs. 13,000 in Mumbai (with warranty).
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