Recent content by Sumer808

  1. S

    Official iOS devices thread

    Re: iPhone3G owners discussion thread My cousin stays in USA n he's coming India this December I asked him to bring an itouch for me Any suggestions how to avoid custom duty
  2. S

    new phone

    M gaming fan How Music fan i dont need a secondary camera how about HTC one v or HTC incredible s or htc desire s
  3. S

    new phone

    No but a bit rough user it falls sometimes
  4. S

    new phone

    No but a bit rough user it falls sometimes and what about samsung galaxy W
  5. S

    new phone

    I am a bit rough user And I heard neo v is sensitive one
  6. S

    new phone

    With a budget of 18k plzz suggest me a good phone I am a music lover i play games and surf and even watch movies i am confused between sony android walkman and sony xperia neo v and motorolla defy plus a good set of headphones will be better or suggest any other phones
  7. S

    Gaming prob

    Call of duty mw 1,2,3 my Gpu is with xfx but they tell that there is no problem with it and this is the second time i am doing this i will inform after i get it back and will report you
  8. S

    Gaming prob

    My config Cpu-intel e7500 Mobo gigabyte ga g41 combo Gpu -ati radeon hd 5670 Psu-circle raw power550 watt Os-windows 7 While playing Hd games Sometimes the game suddenly goes of Sometimes there is black screen sometimes there are various colour stripes please help
  9. S

    PSU dilemma?

    Re: Psu prob Crap i wasted 2600 fo circle 550 watt I play games plz sugest a new one..
  10. S

    PSU dilemma?

    mothrboard Gigabyte ga G41m comb psu -circle raw power 550 watt cpu intel e7500 gpu-xfx radeon 5670 use-gaming should i change the psu or it is good ?
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