Recent content by sudhir_3193

  1. sudhir_3193

    Online Stores For Buying Hardware

    I had very good experience with both mdcomputers and primeabgb.
  2. sudhir_3193

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Started playing GTA 4 for the first time. completed up to " Do you have protection" mission. Niko Belic is super badass. Truly must play game.
  3. sudhir_3193

    Best 2.1 speakers below 10000rs

    Somehow i managed to revive my Z-623 and now its working. There was problem with 3.5 mm port.
  4. sudhir_3193

    Best 2.1 speakers below 10000rs

    Thanks bro. I am planning to chose between creative pebble plus and edifier R1280T. Both these speakers are very popular on youtube. Creative pebble plus is out of stock. Waiting for any discount sale on amazon and flipkart.
  5. sudhir_3193

    Best 2.1 speakers below 10000rs

    Hi guys, My logitech Z-623 which was purchased in 2013 has stopped working. Now i want to buy new 2.1 speakers below 10000rs which should have thumping bass not boomy bass like Z-623. Main purpose is music and gaming. Occasionally watching movies. I would be connecting speakers to pc. All old...
  6. sudhir_3193


    Is chip magazine still available
  7. sudhir_3193

    PC sends no display signal. Keeps restarting

    I also faced similar issue few months back. I removed the 2×8 gb ram and cleaned the golden contacts of ram sticks with iso propyl alcohol and my pc started nicely. Clean any other dirt inside the pc case with soft cloth or air blower and you will be fine.
  8. sudhir_3193

    Help me purchase a 65-inch Smart TV!

    Avoid samsung tvs, they have high failure rate. For tvs sony>LG>samsung
  9. sudhir_3193

    Help Monitor is turning off and on

    My dell U2311H monitor purchased in 2011 died as soon as warranty period completed.
  10. sudhir_3193

    one speaker not working

    Run a software called realteck audio manager and set your pc configuration 2.1 or 5.1 and then check sound .
  11. sudhir_3193

    [For Sale] Home gaming Desktop pc for sale

    Processor motherboard ram and graphics card available for sale in 7k.
  12. sudhir_3193

    Upgrading 3rd gen intel setup

    Ok, I have dropped the plan of upgrading my current 3rd gen intel setup. Rather I'll go for ryzen in future. :smile:
  13. sudhir_3193

    Upgrading 3rd gen intel setup

    1080ti can't handle 2k/4k?
  14. sudhir_3193

    Upgrading 3rd gen intel setup

    For constant 60 fps I think powerful cpu is required even at 1080p. I was looking for 2k and 4k resolution because it may increase gpu load and decrease cpu bottleneck. Also I will set 2k/4k resolution via nvidia control panel in my sony w80c 43 inch tv.
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