Recent content by logonaniket

  1. L

    All laptop related queries here!!!

    I am thinking of buying Dell's Inspiron 15 or Dell's Studio 15. I am flexible with money thing. I can go arnd 50k and I need Great looks with great functionalty too. I am designer so I want a high end machine too. So please suggest me whivh One should I go for? I saw Studio 15 and it looks very...
  2. L

    [By Demand] October 2008

    pls include Fedora 10 Alpha, Netbeans 6.5 And a request to u....pls pls pls....include an article on mac osx like you do for linux.... m a regular reader of digit mag bt neva find macintosh issues or articles....u include prod of apple bt neva leopard osx or anythng related to it....pls...
  3. L

    I need Suse 10.4 Whr to request?

    I need Suse(latest) wich i think is 10.4 I am findin noway to apply or request for tht? its free na?!!!
  4. L

    [By Demand] June 2008 7th Anniversary Special

    I want Linux... Suse 10 series...any 1 from tht 10.1 to 10.4 will do... pls Nd ya i also want all fast track series pdfs....
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