Recent content by equinox

  1. E

    Laptop within 65k

    In just a short while, the existing SB laptop prices will nose dive. That would be the time to get it!
  2. E

    Finally the beast Samsung S3 is released

    When it comes down to it, the UI doesn't matter. Most hard core users replace the default UI and even install a custom ROM onto their mobiles in a few weeks... The Exynos Quad core will probably be revolutionary... but we could wait for the benchmarks to see who has the last laugh!
  3. E

    Laptop within 65k

    I think with the Ivy Bridge just around the corner, this could be the worst time to buy a Sandy Bridge system... Either get a hefty discount on a SB system, or wait a few weeks to get the new one. An XPS 15 2012 refresh is on the way >> Asus has already refreshed their line-up with Ivy...
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