Please post the prices of these speakers:
Creative GigaWorks G500
Creative GigaWorks G550W
Where can i buy these models in Delhi?
And please suggest any better or similar speaker systems in this price range...
"Error 734: The PPP Link Control Protocol Was Terminated"
This error is usually occured due to incorrect access point name setting or you haven't subscribed for GPRS connection.
You can manually set APN and create a new connection for your gprs enabled handset without using PC Suite...
Its a virtual cd image file that is been split into volumes named:
...i dont know into how much volumes.
And these volumes will be joined to make WE9.VCD file that can be mounted in Virtual Drive.
I think u need to get other volumes of the split .VCD file and...
Posting PICS of the phone...
I think its not the Word Documents that are infected but your Word Installation.
A virus usually attacks executable files not the data files(like .doc, .mp3).
Your system might be infected with a virus which has infected the Word installation. You should install an anti virus software and scan...
Pair ur phone in BlueSoleil...
Right click ur phone icon and click on Refresh Services...
Icons of supported services will be highlighted in top row...
If Dial-up Connection service is highlighted only then u can use ur phone as bluetooth modem to connect to internet...
Try VYKE...(download it from
By registering ur phone no. on
u get $1 calling value free,
With this value u can make quite a few calls from ur pc to any mobile/landline no.
Option 1 will only modify the boot sector of ur hard disk and will write the XP boot loader into it. It has nothing to do with ur Windows XP installation, installed apps, updates...
Although both options do the same job of restoring the XP boot loader into the boot sector. You can use Option 2...
Hi Guest we just wanted to alert you to a major change in the forum. We will no longer be allowing the posting of outgoing links. Please use the attachment feature to attach media to your posts.