Recent content by D4RK8L1TZ

  1. D

    Windows 7 does not download

    torrents dont have malware if u download from a private tracker ...they have their rep...
  2. D

    Hard disk data recovery........?

    yeah by my xperience i wud say that u should be able to get back a lot of pics..
  3. D

    Games stuck after enabling hibernation in windows 7

    u plz try doin this again ,,, if the problem persists defragment your hard drive and run a memory check
  4. D

    Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat

    ubuntu rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. D

    Hard disk data recovery........?

    dude u luk 2 to wrried abt ur data ... if i understood your problem properly then .jst get any bootable os cd or dvd n boot from it....then do a quick format( not deep,u have btr chance of gtting some data back) install the OS... then install a software called format file using...
  6. D

    Windows 7 does not download

    dude i wud recommend torrent way to download ,,u can stop ,resume . pause any time and speeds are high....use utorrent my personal favourite
  7. D

    Collection of Interesting Articles on OSS

    well yes iv seen people who think that computer n windows is one n da same.......their paradigm of seeing at computers is windows wich i think needs to change fast
  8. D

    Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat

    yes n it surely will b
  9. D

    How to install ubantu 10.04 through pen drive?

    use 'unetboot'........ n by the way it's ubuntu not ubantu :-)
  10. D

    How to install ubantu 10.04 through pen drive?

    see its simple,,... use any software which can write a bootsector into a pen drive.....ubuntu linux distributions have one such software called boot disk creater,,,,,,,,ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx ..... can b downloaded from torrent also ... just takes 1/2 hr.....
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