Recent content by banned2wise

  1. B

    so now...what are these .nfo / .diz files ?

    These things come with cracks/warez and illegals only...most times afaik.
  2. B

    MP3 trouble

    use amarok if u use ubuntu. Try to download and use xmms which is so similar to winamp and u can play mp3 easily.
  3. B

    Knoppix Live

    Chennai ? If you want knoppix, you can get it from the chennai LUG. * Grab a knoppix cd and use it :)
  4. B

    PHP Tutorial

    pm me ur email address , I will send books through email. btw, this is not the right place to post. Read the rules and then post.
  5. B

    .::The Best Windows emulator?::.

    Crossover office is also another good option, which can be used. I use it with knoppix, and VMWare for RHEL. Also tell me the website for downloading win4lin. Iam interested in trying before buying :)
  6. B

    Getting rid of the irritating Yahoo update message...

    Proof that this is in another site (before 2 yrs) * This thing came with yim5 , now yim is v7 I guess. If u still feel like arguing with me after hearing from praveen abt my pm, well Iam alwayz ready.
  7. B

    Getting rid of the irritating Yahoo update message...

    taken from another website. Praveen pm me.
  8. B

    KNOPPIX >> Why cant i get thro' the installation

    knx2hd from root terminal
  9. B

    Live CDs

    tuxfan, can u read chm files in pcq linux ? can we use wvdial ? can we use other useful apps ?
  10. B

    how to make strong passwords

    He says, if his mail is hacked he will be sad ,whereas it wont be the case if FBI possessions are hacked. :lol:
  11. B

    net on knoppix

    Search for wvdial in this forum(Open Source),it works well with most serial modems.
  12. B


    Free BSD typically unix like thingy. I grabbed a copy of it and am still trying to read the handbook for installation docs. Damn, tough to install unlike other linux distros. Even worse than slackware, i wud say, coz slackware was there with me for a while. But man freebsd is something that i...
  13. B

    Urgent help needed

    Editing /etc/inittab and changing default run level to (gui mode) as 5 instead of 3(command mode) should help. There are totally 6 run levels, i know four outta them. Iam not sure though runlevel 1 ===> Single user mode runlevel 3 ===> text mode runlevel 5 ===> GUI mode runlevel 6 ===>...
  14. B

    Ubuntu too sucks

    ONE SIMPLE ANGRY ANSWER. Linux is not windows, all n00bs like u say , LINUX IS BAD ...... Ok then just stfu and goto windows, linux is meant for ppl with atleast some average learning capabilities. To work in GUI is no magic, work in CUI work like a linux user. Dont sweat it man.... run...
  15. B


    Even KDE in my knoppix detects it , but doesnt auto mount it , i mount it and transfer files. @GNURag: I wasnt aware about GNOME , autodetection. Can u tell me how to config the stick with kudzu instead ??
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