Warranty on Review/Sample product


Cyborg Agent
i would like to know that when corsair sends any product for review to "A" can that person sale it to another person B ?

If yes, then how B will claim RMA as the reviewer has no bill against the product?

For example :
Date of Import for a corsair product is Apr,2019. This Product has been sent to A (reviewer) approx 4 months back from today i.e. 19-06-2020 without generating any bill for it as it is a sample product.So the reviewer got it in the month of Feb Or March 2020.
Now, this has been sold to another person "B" on 16-06-2020.
The reviewer claims that he has got it 4 months before and hence the warranty still persists. How can B claim the warranty to Kaizen without any bill? Will the SERIAL NO suffice?


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