You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus


Feel Pain.
@TheSloth : they will be back to their usual ways once lockdown is lifted.....

@RumbaMon19 : Its the same at our place too(suburbs of kolkata),many schools and colleges are officially closed but the teachers are being forced to come to work (conduct virtual classes from the insititute when it would have been much more convenient for the teachers to do so right from their homes).Those that are refusing to come are being threatened with dire consequences and are even being given the sack -for the employees that have contracted covid or are sick and are working from home or are on leave,no salary is being given,even though its supposed to be illegal to deny payment to those that are on sick leave.

These shady organizations have the audacity to behave this way as the corrupt west bengal govt. is the least bothered about the welfare of the public and these privately run companies have the last word on what policies they will follow for their employees even during the Covid period.

just Out of curiosity rumbamon,which state/region are you from?

The same thing as you mentioned is happening here. Everything can be done from home but they are forced to come to school. My friend is in administration at DAV, it is a well reputed chain, but still it is doing these malpractice.
Oh and I am from Chandigarh .

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Feel Pain.

If you see "state run " in any China related news, there govt. Did it.


Feel Pain.

I seriously feel, no matter which party comes in power, the problems will exist and have to be solved by people itself.

The ideal party or government does not exist.

Now instead of blaming the government, media should start helping by giving home remedies for people who don't have severe corona. Those who are self-treating and have light cough and cold. Instead of showing that mass number of deaths, they should motivate people that we all are together.

People also, instead of debating over left or right should support each other in the best way possible. Now unlike political parties, ideal citizen does exist.

After all, in the end the life of people is at stake. People felt that covid is gone and started enjoying. This instead caused a backlash.

recently, a relative of mine has got covid in noida. There were no beds or oxygen so he was shifted here. Now he did got everything but problem emerged when he contracted pneumonia. The saturation dropped and is below 80. Now the infection is such that 70-80% of his lungs are destroyed by covid. Even if he is able to survive, he will have to live on oxygen cylinder supply for whole life. There is nothing that can be done now.

And you will be shocked to know that his age was 35, not even above 50.

Thing is, we are suffering for something, neither we made nor we wanted. It's like someone poisoned the world in order to gain power. It is enough to show how much bad CCP can go.

I feel an online memorial website should be started, listing names of all the people MARTYRED while fighting against the CCP virus. Call it Wuhan virus, xi jinping virus, Mao Zedong virus, china virus or whatever, it is one and the same thing. Also, now see china is selling oxygen and equipment at full cost to india. First create the problem then sell the solution. It is really bad of. China to do this.
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Now instead of blaming the government, media should start helping by giving home remedies for people who don't have severe corona.


I just cannot read that block of text without cringing man. Never seen someone be so deluded or out of moral compass. People are gasping for breath, out of oxygen, while our PM is campaigning bengal elections and you are saying don't blame the govt. Blame china, xi ping pong what the fuck.


I am the master of my Fate.
Mutations, Variants....Due to high population of India there is high chance of new variants.



Feel Pain.
I know I shouldn't open my mouth but I can't resist saying "Whooping the child who threw the stone would ensure no more windows are broken".

And who is the child here? Coronavirus was sent in the form to break a thin economy of country. The child is china.

And whooping it would ensure no more pandemics, no more force organselling, no more persecution, no more funding of riots in india.


Wise Old Owl
The first wave was under control simply because of strict lockdowns. The govt declared there won't be any lockdowns after this or the economy will suffer. Then there were stupid religious and election mass gatherings. Obviously this was going to happen. The third wave will be more worse at this rate.


The Slowest One
The first wave was under control simply because of strict lockdowns. The govt declared there won't be any lockdowns after this or the economy will suffer. Then there were stupid religious and election mass gatherings. Obviously this was going to happen. The third wave will be more worse at this rate.
This is truly bizzare. I just can't believe people are so ignorant towards this pandemic! I am already scared of 2nd wave, i dont know what to do if 3rd wave comes. Why people aren't scared after watching the tragedy on the news? It is so heart breaking seeing people crying because they couldn't get hospital bed or oxygen cylinder to their loved ones.