Would you like to see DFI in India with there Motherboard

Would you like to have DFI come to India

  • No [Doesnt matter to me if DFI comes here or not]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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quad master

In the zone
Guys please stop discussing on any other think.

Just think it would be nice to have a Company like
DFI bring there Motherboards here.

Currently there are only ASUS and MSI here.
But if DFI come here there will be more competition here and might happen that prices might drop of the
products selling the same motherboards.

Please dont argue keep this topic to only DFI Motherboard.

Your help with the polls would be of gr8 help.
Just contibute a few seconds and poll.


Cyborg Agent
ok this is a silly argument that people are having w.r.t OCing and blah blah. Its a simple thread. Let's have DFI over here. And people go on abt OCing and blah blah...cut it out geez! If you dont wanna OC then plz dont! I for one am all for the DFI mobo's being available here. Who knows ? perhaps people dont OC much cos quality boards such as DFI's arent available here. U never know. How does a simple thread such a DFI in India become a economical survey ?? Don't like it ? Dont want it ? Dont care ? Then say exactly so and move on man! You got my vote for DFI being in India mate.


I just wrote to DFI sales division.
Lets see what they have to say. I have writted inquiring their requirements for distributorship and if they hav any plans. They have replied earlier within 48 hours whenever i wrote them email. So i am hopeful this time too. Lets see what happens.


god damn i just didnt bother abt this thread and its come to this
ok enough ... people who don't understand stop posting here..
ya'll want a discussion on overclockin or no i'll start another topic for u ..
STICK to this one ...
u want dfi or u dont want dfi
simple poll
u have something to say start another thread
u wanna flame ? leave this forum. .. do it elsewhere
i see another person bickering here abt anything im puttin u on a FREE warning TAG and i aint removing it
jjeeeezz overclocking and economics ? WTF is wrong with ya'll ?


Yes, i wnt a DFI...wait..i alerady ahve a DFI nf4 :p

Heh...but there are many eager people in India who'd want them....

High end mobos might not sell well, they they DO sell. I know many people here in Mysore, who have high end stuff like the ASUS A8N SLI Deluxe or the A8N-E, or OCZ RAMs Antec PSU, etc etc......

What the heck....just come here and sell those mobos...we have enough buyers for you, DFI :D


Whats wrong with you guys?
I just told 1 person to see the place.
There are many places where you will see ocers.
I dont see many here. Whats wrong with you. I dont own TE. I am member there just like here. I have never even spoken a word about it till now. Not like many openly advertising their own blogs and forums.
I just wanted to tell that guy there are overclockers here. And surely there are more of them at TE.
This is magazine forum so obviously there are more general users here.
In US. there are many forums. Look at AT its a hug community specialising in great reviews and sell/buy forums. Extremoverclocking and Xtremesystems for die hard extreme overclockers.
So there is 1 such indian community of enthusiast.
All you guys are doing is continue to take topic away from the aim of thread by posting such things.
And what do you call flaming?
1 Mod has replied perfrectly on this same page. There is no need for you to say that again.

quad master

In the zone
Guys please stop fighting.

Please forget everything & discuss only on the purpose of this thread.

Forget the OCers in India and Abroad.

I just wanted people to vote here if they are intrested in DFI comming here.

Please guys dont discuss anything else but only
If you would like to see DFI here or not.

I am gr8ful to those people have voted in favour of DFI comming here , let DFI realize that there are
many Indians intrested here.

[Mods i am sorry for this flaming going here but , i did not wanted this thread to shape up like this , all
i wanted was peoples votes and what they think of


1) you may all read siggie rules to clarify what is allowed and what isn't
2) why are u bringin other sites int he picture ?
if i want i can very well go ahead and start namin and blaming ... but the fact is i dun care and im sure neither of u do
for arguments sake everyones gettin carried away.
we can argue on *********.net and ***********.com and what happened and who did what, but the fact is blame it on who did it and not everyone. try and be grown up abt it .
3) why are u bringin ppl and things not involoved in ur kiddish brawl/bickering ?

above i speak not to 1 person or 1 set of people .. but everyone who replied after my post

for the sake of fairness i'll ask a mod who is NOT "advertising" ANY site in his siggie to clean this topic ....

u guys just put me in a fix .. if i warn anyone of u .. i know what the buzz is going to be ....so i'm gonna let someone else do the dirty work here

but be forewarned no further warning can/will be given on this regard ... be it by me or anyone other mod...
so stop it now ...


Cyborg Agent
j33zu$ Freakin' Chr|$t ! Popcorn stuff going on over peanut matter. (plz don't ban me)

I will be more thn delighted to have DFI over to India. I don't claim to have first-hand knowledge of these boards, but when I went to research before buying a NF4 mobo, I came accross many reviews that placed DFI lanparty mobo on top. But I was disappointed to learn it wasn't avaiable in India no more. So settled for Asus.
But I am concerned that since dfi is like an enthusiast product, initially the freakin' dealers will ask more money since they say they have to order it for me.


Version 2.0
I have deleted all unrelated replies because I feel that the thread was moving away from the topic...

I request everyone to stick to the topic and not get into any flame war which will endup in nothing..

And about adding site / blog / forum links in sugnature...there is no restriction over that, you can add it but advertising in the post is not allowed and is against forum rules.

If you find anyone doing that then just PM me, i will take care of him...

I hope this clears up everything.

Thanks & Regards,


Cyborg Agent
Well instead of deleting posts, delete the thread only naa.

Well mods, members are openly,heavily advertising about oobertech, no one has a problem,a friend of mine, funky just mentions TE, everybody has a problem ???

Hmm why not ban all members who are from TE, that would serve the purpose of stopping all fights isnt it ?


Cyborg Agent
After this post, i surely will be removed from thsi forums.Go ahead do it,
But please dont forget to rename Digit forums as,

"Oobertech Forums"


Version 2.0
darklord said:
Well instead of deleting posts, delete the thread only naa.

Well mods, members are openly,heavily advertising about oobertech, no one has a problem,a friend of mine, funky just mentions TE, everybody has a problem ???

Hmm why not ban all members who are from TE, that would serve the purpose of stopping all fights isnt it ?

I dont care if the member belongs to TE or Oobertech or any forum..for me rules are rules, if i see anyone breaking them, i will just warn the person with friendly warning and then strict action...

btw about your other reply, there is no reason to remove you or any member without any fault..i havent seen u breaking any rules nor you have any warnings..so why to worry :)

Digit is always going to be digit, and trust me on that, i wont let the spammers in ;)

Fore more discussions on Oober and TE, just PM me but please do not
continue here :)

So now coming back to the topic..



Right off the assembly line
I am planning to buy a new comp and went searching high and low for the Lanparty Ultra D. except they told me that it i no longer available in here. Holy Corvus. thats the very best board out there. i don't know about others, but i want it. i want my DFI. i must have my DFI.
even if i have to pester a friend to bring it from abroad.
otherwise i'll have to settle for MSI Neo4 Platinum and that will break my heart.

so count me in.



The Lord of Death
quraid said:
I am planning to buy a new comp and went searching high and low for the Lanparty Ultra D. except they told me that it i no longer available in here. Holy Corvus. thats the very best board out there. i don't know about others, but i want it. i want my DFI. i must have my DFI.
even if i have to pester a friend to bring it from abroad.
otherwise i'll have to settle for MSI Neo4 Platinum and that will break my heart.

so count me in.


This is quite a dead project, I assume?
And, DFIs aren't the best boards in the World. It's only that a few crazy
OC'ers have made their furtune. The so-called 'best' DFIs have plenty of
problems of their own. Their chipset cooler is no better than any named
competition. So, if you want to be one of those OC'ers, go jump into that
DFI bandwagon. Otherwise, play wise and go for ASUS A8N-SLI Premium.
Even MSI boards are facing many difficult-to-deal-with problems like
Dual-Core compatibility, memory issues and the infamous 7800GTX problem.

The only thing I like about DFI boards is that they come with everything
except kitchensink. Not! :lol:

- Yamaraj


DFi is the best when it comes to overclocking.

yes its not for faint hearted.
Its not for those who expect it to run 100 % stable straight out of box.
Its not for the people new to whole A64 experience.
There are soo many options that you need to manually configure to get best out of DFI. Needs lots of time and patience to work with it.

But noone can deny the fact that its the best solution available for overclockers. Once you get the taste of DFI there is no turning back ;)
i got mine few days ago and loving it.
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