Windows Xp Explorer Restarts Again And Again

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To all of you.
I have a Pentium 4 Computer on which I run WINDOWS XP SP2 as a operating system.From last some days, whenever I start the computer and after entering the password on Windows XP welcoming screen the EXPLORER keeps restrating.I start the taskmanager by entering three key combination and on the processes tab I see the explorer.exe file starts then the start button comes and then close and then again starts.I dont know what is this? Please help me to get rid out of this problem.Thank you for reading my post.



Go for a full scan with the following softwares:

* *
* *

Also make sure that they are updated to latest definition files and go for Full System Scan.


You can always try Online Scanning. Here's the list of best Online Scanners: * ;)


a.k.a VipER
That's what happened to me couple of days back but my problem was slightly different. My pc never used to restarts but after booting into win xp nothing used to work. I couldn't even change date and time, it was that horrible.

Well anyway, the point is that I went into safe mode and cleaned up virus, also type 'msconfig' in run command and check for any unusual applications/programs. If so then uncheck it.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
It happened to me to, the problem persists in safe mode.

Run a scan with "Trojan Scanner" If it doesn't solve the problem, sorry dude, you'll have to format.
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