Windows Runs the World ...

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The Devil's Advocate
iPhone display used at AT&T was booting up and guess what it used ... windows XP ...


hmmmm .... Windows runs the world baby ;)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
he he he :D .... How can that be possible??? Its a Mac OS with xp boot screen :p
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The Devil's Advocate
oh u cant edit the os x screen so easily ... editing the half eaten apple in the boot screen is a horrible job


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
Lolz....I wonder if Apple closed this shop :D
No, they didn't but it wasn't theirs, it was AT&Ts.

And I've simply no idea what you are trying to prove here. Windows is more popular that Macs are? Big deal.


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
No, they didn't but it wasn't theirs, it was AT&Ts.

.....Selling Apple iPhone. So.......????

arya said:
And I've simply no idea what you are trying to prove here.

We are trying to prove nothing.

arya said:
Windows is more popular that Macs are? Big deal.

angoor khatte hain....lolz, even At&T shops selling iPhone use Windows XP.

Even Asus & Quanta manufacturing plants making iMac & iPod use Windows

Windows does rules the world :D


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
Even Asus & Quanta manufacturing plants making iMac & iPod use Windows
Which explains why there was a virus on brand new iPods that only affected Windows. :lol:


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aryayush said:
Which explains why there was a virus on brand new iPods that only affected Windows.
Yup, they were making a device for Apple. Why didn't they used Mac?

Oh wait, Mac is not for work.

iPod is selling & is a success due to Windows & PC only. Arya, what about Apple's quality control check measures? They don't even qualify for 2 Sigma values.
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The Devil's Advocate
ya typical apple salesman .... our ipod has virus it is windows' fault .... :lol:


You gave been GXified
iMav said:
ya typical apple salesman .... our ipod has virus it is windows' fault .... :lol:

Thats the Apple way, don't u remembar the statement Apple gave at there site ."We are sorry cos Windows is not immune to Virus, switch to Mac"


The Devil's Advocate
i am the maker of ipod the ipod has revolutionized the music world MS copies me MS sux ipod is the best apple is the best .... oh wat was that did some 1 say ipod has a virus thats not us its windows' fault :lol: ....


You gave been GXified
@ arya

Quality control, where is the so called high quality of Apple products in this case?


The Devil's Advocate
qc wats that our quality is the best if theres any problem with any of our products its not our fault its Windows' fault :lol: ....


Wire muncher!
yawn...... why doesn't someone start a contest to find out the no. of mac (or apple) vs windows (or MS) threads? the one who counts all first wins!

ok... continue.....


Aspiring Novelist
@ arya

Quality control, where is the so called high quality of Apple products in this case?
Apple made a mistake and did not even properly own up to it.

Who is saying they did the right thing! I criticised them too when it happened and I do so today also.

But it is entirely possible that when you are churning out millions of iPods every month, you slip up on a few of them. They should just have had the grace of owning their mistake and not blaming Windows for it.


The Devil's Advocate
yup i make a million ipods if theres a problem with any 1 its windows' fault not mine :lol:
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