Which is the best linux?

Dangerous Dave

Digital Marketer
I wanna install linux on my dell studio 15. please help me which linux should i install. my friend told me u install ubantu. but ubantu is coming with its another version in a month or so. i cannt wait till then so help me decide which linux should i use! also i am a beginner so tell me a linux which is not so difficult to use

thanks in aadvance !

hot zubs

live life king like...
IMO ubuntu is the best option for the beginners and its really easy to use...
So what if there is going to b a new version in next month, install the present version n u can update it later to the newer version...
Ubuntu is really a good one for newbies .You can also try Linux Mint 8,openSUSE 11.2 or Mandriva 2010. They are equally easy to use & have a good community support.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'll strongly advise you to wait for 1 month as Ubuntu's new version 10.04 Lucid Lynx will be coming out on 24th.

Currently, I'm using the Beta and it rocks.


Use Linux Mint or Ubuntu as ur starting linux. When experienced then switch to more enhanced one's like Opensuse or Fedora

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
i guess ubuntu is enhanced and powerfull enough. Every linux distro is powerfull.

Both are designed with different audience in mind. Ubuntu is designed for those migrating from windows & so care has been taken to make it as simple & easy as possible for the Linux newbies. Whereas Fedora has been developed for experienced Linux user who don't mind trying out new experimental softwares & also know how to fix the system in case any problem occurs. It is more cutting edge distro in comparison to Ubuntu. Also often Fedora brings out the greatest & latest in Open Source World which is later incorporated by distro's like Ubuntu.


I would recommend Linux Mint over Ubuntu

I've tried both and liked Linux Mint as it is easier to use( for newbies )


Broken In
Fortunately linux distros has left us a open choice. It all depends on your needs.
If youre new to linux..shifting from windows; definately go for Ubuntu. If you are in a field of multimedia like video editing, animation; go for Ubuntu Studio. If u are more concerned with cyber security; FreeBSD is the choice. If you want to work in server or workstation; Opensolaris and Redhat are good.
This are truly the fusion of my experience and industrial knowledge. But linux is something where you get the freedom..so choose yourself.
there is no such thing as the best distro .. its what suits you best that you call the best ..
this is a presentation I had given to the OSUM club of my college .. Its not the best .. but its all I could do in four hours ...


hope it helps :)
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