Whats the difference between a PC & a MAC

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El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
el mooo

Yup, check Photoshop SDK & developers/beta tester pages. Using the one made by Trolltech.
That doesn't tell me anything related? You have any specific links?


You gave been GXified
Sorry, can't refer to the adobe forums. That requires registration & official beta tester status.


El mooooo
^ Oh please!!! Gimme a break. You people come out to make stupid claims and then hide behind "beta tester" stuff? That is absolute Bull! There is not even an iota of truth in this claim that Apple makes CS3's UI using Qt. Yes they did use Qt for making Photoshop Album's UI...but CS3? Don't make me laugh!


left this forum longback
^anyways trolltech site quotes this:

The following describes how Adobe uses Qt technology:

"Qt simplified our task by providing high-level tools we could customize to meet our needs. The product is excellent, the support was outstanding and we are extremely pleased with our decision to go with Qt. "

Mike DePaoli, Adobe Photoshop Album (now Adobe Photoshop Elements)


You gave been GXified
eddie said:
^ Oh please!!! Gimme a break. You people come out to make stupid claims and then hide behind "beta tester" stuff? That is absolute Bull! There is not even an iota of truth in this claim that Apple makes CS3's UI using Qt. Yes they did use Qt for making Photoshop Album's UI...but CS3? Don't make me laugh!

Yo Bro, I don't wanna face a lawsuit ok. U gimme your address if they send me a notice I will give them your address that you told me to post here :D


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
Yo Bro, I don't wanna face a lawsuit ok. U gimme your address if they send me a notice I will give them your address that you told me to post here :D
Oh yeah right!!! More stories. Dude do you think we are 2 year olds who would believe any Santa Claus or Easter Bunny story that our uncle Saurav tells us? Seriously man...most of us here have signed N.D.A.'s related to both hardware as well as software and none of them allow you to declare in any public forum about a companies devel platform and then hide behind the lie that something is not "allowed". Blah...


You gave been GXified
Santa Claus or Easter Bunny story that our uncle Saurav
Yo Yo Yo, I m just 21 el moooo....abhi to shadi bhi nahi hui hai

Depends on person to person. 'Nuff said
Mind posting here how you got free software for Mac & also MS office for Mac & also Photoshop CS3 for Mac :D


El mooooo
kenshin1988 said:
^^^^ If i said post ur OS or any software key here.....will u post it???.....If hes sayin its not allowed....then why don't u believe....:)
Did you even read the points we are discussing on or did you just come in here to post some random stuff? Do you know what we are talking about? Ever read even a single page of any N.D.A.? Please stay away from topics you know little about.

gx_saurav said:
Yo Yo Yo, I m just 21 el moooo....abhi to shadi bhi nahi hui hai
Well then don't think of us as kids and stop telling us stories with no truth in them :rolleyes:
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You gave been GXified
It is a public statement that Adobe uses Qt to make there applications. Now, which applications & what part of it, that is a question whose answer I cannot provide. Sorry.

Now can we go back to topic.


Aspiring Novelist
But just a few posts ago, you said this:
gx_saurav said:
Photoshop CS3 consists of 2 parts. One is the photoshop engine, you know like the engine of a car. Now on top of this is OS specific optimisation & looks

90% is same rest 10% is OS specific

The engine is coded by Software engeniers & is cross platform compatible because it is on it's own.

The 10% part is made by UI designers & those who optimise photoshop for Mac or Vista. This code is made in Qt because of which it is Mac UI compatible cos Qt used OS specific bitmaps & pngs for the toolbar buttons etc as mentioned previously.
OMG! Isn't there any limit to how much you can lie... :eek:


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
It is a public statement that Adobe uses Qt to make there applications. Now, which applications & what part of it, that is a question whose answer I cannot provide. Sorry.
Yeah...now you are talking. You cannot prove anything because what you claimed earlier is nothing but your cooked up stories. Hide behind the stories...hide behind them. This is what you claimed in your earlier post
You are getting one thing wrong, which I found when I was beta testing Photoshop CS3. It is not compleately made in .net or XCode. There is no point in making an app liek this.

Photoshop CS3 consists of 2 parts. One is the photoshop engine, you know like the engine of a car. Now on top of this is OS specific optimisation & looks

90% is same rest 10% is OS specific

The engine is coded by Software engeniers & is cross platform compatible because it is on it's own.

The 10% part is made by UI designers & those who optimise photoshop for Mac or Vista. This code is made in Qt
because of which it is Mac UI compatible cos Qt used OS specific bitmaps & pngs for the toolbar buttons etc as mentioned previously.
You clearly said that Photoshop CS3's UI is made from Qt and now you come out and say that you cannot tell us "which application and which part"? You don't need to "tell us" that thing...you already told us that part...just prove it now.


Aspiring Novelist
Here are two quotes from Adobe's official website:

To support this expanded development effort, Adobe plans to transition its Apple development process from Metrowerks CodeWarrior to Apple’s Xcode, a high-performance UNIX-based development environment that can support a universal binary wrapper on two binaries— one for systems based on Intel processors and one for systems based on PowerPC processors.

It's important to make a few things clear: We're working really hard, together with Apple, to make this conversion. Apple staff are on site at Adobe every day and have been for quite some time, helping our teams make the required move to the Xcode development environment & taking our feedback on how to make Xcode support large projects like Photoshop.

Everyone--Mac users, Adobe, and Apple--wants to get Adobe apps running natively on Mactel as soon as possible, but doing so while maintaining their quality will take time. If we knew how to do this more quickly, we would do it.

I knew it. I just knew that it is absolutely impossible to write a native Cocoa application (or even parts of it) in any other development environment apart from XCode. They had to port the whole application over from their previous dev environment, and even that wasn't QT, to XCode and then code it accordingly.


You gave been GXified
I said the code is made in Qt following Zeeshan's analogy & public statement at the adobe forum.

Now if you consider me as a lier...to hell with it :D


Aspiring Novelist
Exactly. All credit to you. :) I must have been completely out of whack to have actually taken this guy at his word.

gx_saurav said:
I said the code is made in Qt following Zeeshan's analogy & public statement at the adobe forum.

Now if you consider me as a lier...to hell with it :D
But you told that you found it out when you were beta testing for them. You made it sound like you had the insider information on it and it was all exclusive and stuff. You never mentioned earlier that it was basically just stuff cooked up to support "Zeeshan's analogy [sic]" or whatever. As usual, you just posted a bunch of useless lies trying to show off that you know something that others don't and that makes you more knowledgeable. Of course, if it has the added benefit of a chance to mock Apple thrown in, it's all the better, isn't it!

There is only one difference between you and Steve Ballmer - he's got loads of money.

And BTW, which school did you attend! I learnt the spelling of the word 'liar' in kindergarten. :lol:


You gave been GXified
But you told that you found it out when you were beta testing for them. You made it sound like you had the insider information on it and it was all exclusive and stuff. You never mentioned earlier that it was basically just stuff cooked up to support "Zeeshan's analogy [sic]" or whatever. As usual, you just posted a bunch of useless lies trying to show off that you know something that others don't and that makes you more knowledgeable. Of course, if it has the added benefit of a chance to mock Apple thrown in, it's all the better, isn't it!

Mind reading again, I mentioned that I cannot provide details whether Adobe Photoshop is made in Qt or not. That is some info available to Adobe developers only, however I mentioned it is made in Qt because of what I came to know while I was beta testing it.

And BTW, which school did you attend! I learnt the spelling of the word 'liar' in kindergarten.

When You were studying in kindergarten, i was a topper in "casanova institute of love " :p. So, you get the point... boy


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
Mind reading again, I mentioned that I cannot provide details whether Adobe Photoshop is made in Qt or not. That is some info available to Adobe developers only, however I mentioned it is made in Qt because of what I came to know while I was beta testing it.
And I am just guessing that you "can't tell us" how you came to the conclusion that the GUI was made in Qt. Did your monitor speak to you and tell you about the source code? My god dude...It seems lying is as important to you as breathing :rolleyes:
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