What up?


Violent serenity.
So I kinda had a history on this forum. I used to be active from, I think, late 2008s-2010. I was so active over here that even after about 4.5-5yrs of inactivity, I still have an average of 1.45 posts/day. I had a pretty (in)famous rep on this forum. Man, its so good to be back here and look at all the embarrassing and cringe-worthy **** I did when I was 13/14yrs old, pure nostalgia! And also a good laugh! Anyway, just popped by to see if anybody from that time is still active and if anybody remembers me; if you do, I'm back up in this bish! (And hopefully this time a little less insufferable and relatively way less active due to work irl). To all the new members, what's up?


Violent serenity.
Both of you, anrawtansh (if that's the right name), Pathik, something like EthanHunt or Ethanhunt, and then david(something). There are a lot more users I would recognize if they popped up.

Edit - also somebody named Crazygamer or Krazygamer and SunnyChatral (again, not the exact name)