what should be india's national language?

what should be india's national language.

  • english

    Votes: 61 34.5%
  • hindi

    Votes: 98 55.4%
  • your own mother tongue.

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
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Guyz This is a sensitive issue in South . There are more number of Indian forums over this Issue . And all spreads hatred over fellow Indians . Why is such a thing posted here .
I second "rakeshishere" and "desmataks" with "aakash_mishra" over removing/locking the topic


Alive Again...
Hindi was, Hindi is & Hindi Will remain as our National Language
& It Should be
No more discussion needed for this Thing
Now dont waste time anymore


In Shamful Mystery
^^Try convincing the South Indian politicians that. Do you know how much agitation was there on this issue earlier?


Broken In
led_shankar said:
I beg to differ. Hindi is not the national language, just because a majority of people speak it. There are many many many languages in India; We cannot ignore any of them. There have been major riots due to this issue. People take pride in their regional languages, and we cannot afford to alienate them by imposing our language upon them.

Hindi should be the national language for exactly the reason I bolded above. Making Hindi our national language does not mean that other Indian languages are going to be ignored. Infact the kids should be taught more about other parts of India (which unfortunately doesn't happen), I know more about say US than Kerala or Tamil Nadu which presents are sorry picture of our Education System.

From wikipedia...


"The Constitution of India, adopted in 1950, declares Hindi in the Devanagari script the "official language (rājabhāshā) of the Union" (Art. 343(1)). It was envisioned that Hindi would become the sole working language of the central government by 1965, with state governments being free to function in languages of their own choice."

prakash kerala said:
English for the sake of ppl who dont know/dont want to learn Hindi apart from north there r ppl like in TamilNaad who dont even get one word in Hindusthaani properly.SO ENGLISH.

Err, but more than 90% of Indians do not understand english, heck more people understand Bengali than English. I can't understand the logic of this English Prem (Love:D ), a Foreign language which hardly 5-10% of population understands is given so much importance in India at the cost of our own languages. Actually ek story thi na 2 Bandaron (Monkey) aur ek Billi (Cat) ki..wohi ho rahaa hai.

"English is today the third or fourth most widely distributed language as a first spoken language in the world, after Mandarin, Hindi, and Spanish (see the ranking). Something around 600 million people use the various dialects of English regularly."


Another myth propagated is that we cannot progress without English, try asking that from a German, a French, a Japanese, a Korean, a Russian, a Chinese, an Arab, a Spanish, a Portugese, an Italian etc...these in these countries don't care one paisa about English...nor do they understand English, they proudly use their own languages and don't feel embarrased using their own languages.

Angrez to chale gaye lekin Angrezi chhod gaye, it is high time that our languages are given their due.:mad:
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In Shamful Mystery
^please don't be emotional, solidsnake

The thing is that English is spoken by a minority of people, but that minority is scattered all over India; The top workforce is well-versed in English.

Germans do not need English because they do not have 114 languages.


left this forum longback
led_shankar said:
Germans do not need English because they do not have 114 languages.
Exactly.this is the problem being B/B in Hindi speaking belt.these ppl cant get that there r better options than hindi available.please get some toleration towards south indians;they r also proud of their culture.regarding learning hindi as natinonal lang,read what annadurai said :
In an address in 1962, former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister C N Annadurai made the following statements opposing Hindi imposition: "It is claimed that Hindi should be common language because it is spoken by the majority. Why should we then claim the tiger as our national animal instead of the rat which is so much more numerous? Or the peacock as our national bird when the crow is ubiquitous?"

Annadurai also said, "Since every school in India teaches English, why can't it be our link language? Why do Tamils have to study English for communication with the world and Hindi for communications within India? Do we need a big door for the big dog and a small door for the small dog? I say, let the small dog use the big door too!" [2]

Anti-Hindi agitation is a term used to describe the opposition the people of Tamil Nadu have voiced to the Indian Government's attempts to establish Hindi as the sole official language of India [1]. Anti Hindi agitation is not a history but its an ongoing agitation or feelings with in Tamils in India.
read here:
Clyde Ahmad Winters, who has written extensively on Dravidian origins commented:

"Archaeological and linguistic evidence indicates that the Dravidians were the founders of the Harappan culture which extended from the Indus Valley through northeastern Afghanistan, on into Turkestan. The Harappan civilization existed from 2600-1700 BC. The Harappan civilization was twice the size the Old Kingdom of Egypt. In addition to trade relations with Mesopotamia and Iran, the Harappan city states also had active trade relations with the Central Asian peoples."
*www.tamilnation.org/heritage/index.htm#Indus Civilisation
mujhe to Hindi thoda bahut aata hei,aur koi dushmani bhi nahin hei hindi bhaasha ke ooper.lekin humein to doosron ke soch-vichar ko bhi dekhna hai aur usko bhi maryaada/aadar dena hai
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@uttoransen....national Language English?? Are u alright?? Have u thought about poor people in India?? Majority of India is on poverty line and most people dont even know how to read even hindi, then forget english man!

Neways no one's imposing to speak a particular language! If hindi is spoken and understood by most of the people then whats wrong in making it a national language?? Hindi unites the whole India...coz all understand Hindi. Even the central asia, region around thailand, some foreigners too now understand Hindi pretty well. This is due to large coverage of Bollywood and TV serials to entire world!!

If bangla or Tamil wud have been spoke and understood by many....then no one shud be having problem to accept it as National language! But we have Hindi here as most popular. So Hindi shud be the national language!!!


left this forum longback
but i dont say tamil/bangla to be made national language.we dont want imposition of Hindi on south especially Andhra,Tamilnaad and Kerala.their culture is very much diffrnt wrt north.pls read my quotes carefully.if again tr enforcing Hindi,there will be more anger of communities and will result in terrorism(even now exists for eg;ltte for tamil eezham(country)) and seperation from countries main stream.
Majority of India is on poverty line and most people dont even know how to read even hindi, then forget english man!
if someone wanna learn a language learn the Universal language a.k.a ENGLISH y learn hindi which is having less benefit for southerners.instead learning ENGLISH will give them atleast be ready to cop with international jobs.also FYI learning curve for Hindi is much greater than of English why?'coz English words and phrases are used mostly in southern languages thanks 2 Cinema,TV.so Better English as National Language.if u look at the poll all Hindiwalle will vote hindi as they cant think of anything other than hindi.i know the example of north indian ppl mostly BPL coming to south for jobs astonished 2 find there r areas in India where Hindi is notatall understandaeable.in police station in Tamilnaad for eg;looties from north are arrested.now these ppl only knew hindi.so the police searched and found after a day a Dwibhaashi(Translator) for communication.get the facts first.it is exactly like making an European learn Hindi as is the case with us sotherners.:mad:


The North holds Hindi High and the South holds English High for inter state communication for the past since the formation and independence of India . We struggled with this setup , passed few famines , wars and invarioubly now prospering with this Setup . Don't Forget the globalisation opens up India over its English knowledge .
Now whats the problem. North Indians communicate within themselves through Hindi and southindians communicate themselves with English or regional languages . When we ( south ) indians came to North , we will learn Hindi and when Yourselves ( North residing ) Indians came to southern part of the India learn English or our regional languages .
This is a sensitive topic guyz . more than seven people immolated in public places daylight in Chennai alone in the anti-hindi agitation and the scars are not yet forgotten .
A tech forum is not a suitable place to discuss this kind of issue's.


Broken In
where did i got those figures,


there are many more places you can get those figures. there are arround 10 crore people in india who speak bengoli, and the same figure is for tamil, orrissa, maharastra and places like that.

who told that people in the north speak only hindi, they speak punjabi in the north, marathi in the west, bengoli-assamies-orrissa in the easy and tamil and related language in the south. hindi is spoken in up, bihar and m.p.

national language should be english. as if i learn english it will be worth it, i can get a job outside india, i mean if i learn english it will be of some use, what is the use of learning hindi?

and also if i get a choise to learn a language i will chose bangla, as that's my mother tongue. then i will chose english as it will help in my carrer. then after that, i will chose tamil, as tamil is one of the best language of india, the culture and litarature proves that. after that if i get a oppurtunity to learn another language i will chose, french, german, chinese, japanise.

why should i be forced to learn hindi? when i have no interest in it.

about the impossing of hindi on us, a government employee has to learn hindi, and pass in it before he get's a government job, and that's called impossing.

our hindi teacher always boasted that hindi is out national language, that's something that they will do, and think that they are superior as there mother tongue is taken as the national language.

by the way hindi is not the national language, it's the official language.


@prakash....I'm not saying to impose Hindi on anyone. But I'm saying that majority of Indian population understands hindi. So it shud become a national symbol/language!

I understand a lot of other languages too like little bangla and punjabi. But terrorism and fights over national language is absolutely insane and absurd!

praskash_kerala said:
if someone wanna learn a language learn the Universal language a.k.a ENGLISH y learn hindi which is having less benefit for southerners.instead learning ENGLISH will give them atleast be ready to cop with international jobs
Now thats for international thing....and we are speaking of national. Anyways if u wanna consider for jobs then Sanskrit is also the most demanding! Scientists from all over the world want sanskrit scholars so as to feed snkrit in computers and it is a highly paid job!
Now then sanskrit shud become national language?? ofcors not.....coz its not spoken by majority!

I know u live in south.....and I'm ver well acquainted that many people speak english there...even the cab drivers! I have lived in south for a month!
But thats only south now! Go to east and the west...to Sikkim and Rajasthan and then Punjab etc! U'll find only educated people speaking english and majority who are poor only understanding hindi besides their local language. They dont even know how to read ABC of english!

I admit I speak hindi. But if tamil or bangla wud have been spoken by the mass..then iwud have no problem with it!
For English...I personally feel that if it becomes national language then we will be giving a Certificate to Britishers of their work in India in the past!! That wud be horrible!


Broken In
led_shankar said:
^please don't be emotional, solidsnake

The thing is that English is spoken by a minority of people, but that minority is scattered all over India; The top workforce is well-versed in English.

Germans do not need English because they do not have 114 languages.

The bottomline is a language spoken/understood by 5% of Indians can not be our national language, that too a foreign language. Doesn't matter how many languages we have, it can in no way justify the imposition of a Foreign Language as a National Language. The fact is Hindi is spoken by a majority of Indians and is understood by even greater no of people.


Broken In
ammount of person knowing english is increasing.

the ammount of people that know english is increasing, and for the rest, if english is made our national language then every one will start learning and understanding it, and also it will help them in there careers. so why not go for english. people living in orrissa and the far east in india knows bengla more than hindi, also the 4 states of south knows tamil more than hindi, and i have already told that if given a chance to learn i will prefer tamil over hindi, as the language and literature of tamil is better than hindi.


In Shamful Mystery
@SolidSnake: Actually I do not even support English as the national language; I support no such entity; It is against the ideals that built India.

And mediator and SolidSnake, I'd be interested in your reply about the Quote on the national animal and national bird.

I, for one, agree with sknowonweb. Mods please lock this thread.


Broken In
led_shankar said:
@SolidSnake: Actually I do not even support English as the national language; I support no such entity; It is against the ideals that built India.

And mediator and SolidSnake, I'd be interested in your reply about the Quote on the national animal and national bird.

I, for one, agree with sknowonweb. Mods please lock this thread.

Shankar, I fail to understand why Mr.Annadurai made that comparison, it simply makes no sense. And let me say this, anti-Hindism is (pretty much) limited to Tamil Nadu...IIRC all Anti-Hindi riots took place in TN, other Southern states do not share strident Anti-Hindism of TN.

Arre, no need to lock this topic. We are only discussing an important topic. And BTW didn't you see this at the top of this page..

"Fight Club The Debate Zone. Sensitive and controversial topics will be discussed here — only the thick-skinned should enter"

uttoransen said:
the ammount of people that know english is increasing, and for the rest, if english is made our national language then every one will start learning and understanding it, and also it will help them in there careers. so why not go for english. people living in orrissa and the far east in india knows bengla more than hindi, also the 4 states of south knows tamil more than hindi, and i have already told that if given a chance to learn i will prefer tamil over hindi, as the language and literature of tamil is better than hindi.

You are putting cart before the bullock. The truth is come whatever may English will never be an Indian Language and will be limited to Upper-middle/Elite families. I think we people under-estimate how much inroads Hindi has made in past decades (in non-hindi states) mainly due to Bollywood. You go to Ladakh, North-East (You'll be surprised to know that Hindi is State Language in Arunachal), WB, Sikkim, Orissa, AP (in Telengana Area), Karnataka (Northern parts)...many people can speak kaam-chalaoo Hindi and more can understand it. And also if I am not wrong, Hindi (as a Language) is taught across the Schools in India...even in Southern States (except TN?).

No-one is proposing that Hindi is going to REPLACE regional languages. As initially thought in the constitution, Hindi shall be the language of Union Govt. State Govt shall be free to choose their languages. English must go now and should not be given ROYAL treatment anymore.

In a Democracy, one always goes by majority. The fact is Majority of Indians speak/understand Hindi and compared to it ~5% can speak/understand English...it is really no-brainer as to which should be our National Language.


AMD user for 9 yrs!!

Hindi .. will always be our national language ..

there are always regional languages .. India is so much diversified..

Dont forget north east here again .. dudes

they also .. uses hindi.. along with local language

english is used worldwide .. for trade reasons ..


russian, Chinese, french . havnt forgotton their languages

the same we dont have to ..

Remember .. one of the oldest language .. Sanskrit
.. ya Sanskrit . people have forgotten it
ya I agree.. me too havn't read anything in Sanskrit after I left it in 10th

We dont do anything ... but i saw it on Discovery .. In some European Schools they are teaching .. Sanskrit, & moreover Vedic Mathematics
(amazing ..atleast they care about one of the oldest & finest language)

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@rollcage....exactly bro. Its such a shame that foreigners are trying to research on our original langauge i.e Sanskrit instead of us. Moreover they are practising most of the Aurvedic techniques today instead of us.
And look at us......we are getting attracted to westerners, whereas the westerners are getting attracted to our tradition!! Its such a shame!

@led_shankar.....chill man! I'm quite busy these days........But its doesnt mean I'm out of this thread! Lets talk!

Well about the post on national animal and bird..................Tell me urself! Do want crow to be national bird?? or Whatever animal instead tiger be nationa animal??

Do u know what is national animal or national bird??
Ok let me enlighten u now. National animal or bird is not something found in greatest number of all species in a country. Its something that is found in greatest number COMPARITIVELY to other countries!!

India used to have greatest number of lions ans tigers in the past...though the numebr is decreasing now! And India still has the greatest numebr of peacocks of all the countries! Peacocks,tigers here are killed for there flesh,awesome skin,beautiful feathers,meat. And thats a shame actually that we are killing such beatiful creatures.

Tell me whats the national animal of Australia?? And is it something found in greatest number of all species in Australia?? Kangaroo is something that australia has more than any other country! Its not that u'll find kangaroo on every next street roaming around like dogs in India. Think about it!!

So u wanted to implement ur national bird/animal theory to national language huh?? So u see your theory still applies now !! Hindi is found spoken by many and many in India compared to rest of the world and understood by many many more.

Neways those of u supporting english.....from the beginning of the post i see u talk big abt English to be national language. To u know what is national language?? Its a language orginated from one's home land and not some foreign language!
If u had said bangla or tamil that wud benn understandable. But English??

Guess the day wont be long when the english supporters here will say that the national anthem/song shud be an "Iron Maiden" song! I'm so ashamed of u!

Anyways I see u have become so westernised. Tell me do u sleep in western clothes at night or the most comfortable "Pajama Kurta"?? Similar is case with English!

And why do guys wanna lock this topic...........I came just now!! Every debate i go in continues for atleast 4-5 pages...and its just 2 now. Lets rock now!!
And english??? No way! Do u wanna give the certificate to britishers that desperately of their work in India in the past??
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The pWnster
i feel tortured each time those morons shift to hindi stuff on tv (DD, we're talkin abt) in south India. Atleast here they must use translators and telecast shows in their regional languages or English. I dont f'ing know why the DD guyz give us Hindi commentary in our region even while they have a feed of english. Is it bcoz they what to irritate everyone here(more ppl speak English than Hindi here) or it is bcoz they are noobs who dont know how to give separate feeds for the south and the North
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