What are your hobbies?


Sith Lord
Staff member
lol@"getting bored"
Imma trekker, and that's the only hobby that I can seriously pursue. Do a little photography in the side, but that's just because almost everyone who treks is by default a photography enthusiast as well. Writing used to be a hobby, then lost all it's appeal (as a passtime) when it became my job.


Advocate | Lawyer
swimming , computer, cycling , gadgets , painting photo editing and playing games thinking of inventing something then think it is not possible ;)

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Watching God! :D #SachinIsGod
Making some definitions.. Will post after xams.. :D Definitions is my metaphor for creativity.. :razz:
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Democracy is a myth
Writing used to be a hobby, then lost all it's appeal (as a passtime) when it became my job.

They say, if your job is related to what you love to do, you'll never get bored...but you my friend is echoing another truth which a lot of my friends say...

so, what actually makes us happy? Doing something that is not our "Job"?!! :rolleyes:


Car Sketching (all automobile's) , CRICKET (die hard cricket fan and player , presently playing for district hoping to get selected for national level)
Technology , Movies , etc..


Tribal Boy
Cycling. Thats the latest craziness for me. Started as an exercise, turned to hobby.

Cyberjunkie and mehul are with me ;) I mean not physically, but same hobby !


I'm in 3D Grafix world!!!
Browsing, Painting, Reading technology related books, Playing badminton, Creating 3D models, Movies, Music, PC games, Photography and thinking about future... hehehe...


Modern Philosopher
Football , Football , gaming(childhood hobby), Reading reviews (reviewing), Music (name suggests), reading NCERT books


Violent serenity.
My hobbies (in no particular order) :-

Tech (anything about it... news, reviews, articles, etc)
Exploring music
Watching brainy movies (thrillers or mysteries as they say)
Writing (Homework and exam papers excluded lol)
Psychology (new obsession)
Figuring out people
Gaming (a lot)
Staying up late
Not going to school
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