Welcome the 7 Billionth Member of planet Earth! But who actually is She?


The Power of x480
Staff member
As the world welcomes Seven Billionth member of the planet Earth, they are also confused for who Really deserve the crown??

Exhibit 1: Danica May Camacho, born in Manila, Philipins.
Exhibit 2: Nargis, born in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Exhibit 3: Someone from China.

Source: Who Really Is the World's 7 Billionth Person?

The world's 7 billionth person was a tiny little girl named Danica May Camacho who is born today in Manila, the Philipines, and weighed just 5.5 pounds (she was one month premature).

Oh, wait! It was actually this other little girl named Nargis who was born today in Uttar Pradesh in India.

Hold the phone! This Reuters report says the 7 billionth baby might be born October 31 in China.

What's that, U.S. Census Bureau? The 7 billionth baby won't be born until April? What the heck is going on here?
Will the real 7 billionth baby please stand up? Or at least give us a little baby fist pump? Turns out no one has any freaking idea who the 7 billionth human on the planet is. The celebrations in the Philippines and India today are merely symbolic—demographers don't know who actually deserves the crown. The 7 billionth human might have been born in August, or might still be in the womb.

The problem is that so many developing countries have poor demographic records. United Nations population estimates chief Gerhard Heilig says it's "nonsense" to imagine anyone could actually pinpoint who the 7 billionth baby because estimates come with a 1 to 2 percent margin of error. When you're talking about 7 billion that comes out to about 56 million people, and he says the birth in question could have happened six months ago or might be six months from now. So the U.N. picked October 31 somewhat arbitrarily. Also based on projections, the U.S. Census bureau picked five months from now. Six in one, half-a-dozen in the other, right? Well, geographically speaking maybe...

What they do know is that the world's population has exploded at a frightening rate. In just the past dozen years, we jumped from 6 to 7 billion, and demographers say we might hit 9 billion by 2050—and by the end of this century we might reach 10 billion. That's terrifying. People, please, stop having babies.

Easier said than done, of course. But one solution could be to educate girls better. If girls in the most under-developed countries delay getting married and having kids just five years (until after adolescence), 224 million fewer children would be born by 2050, according to the Population Council, and that would reduce U.N. population growth projections for 2050 by 39 percent.

And the good news is the birth rate has slowed since the '60s when, it peaked at 2 percent. It's continuing to slow down, thank God, but it's still 2 percent or higher in places like Sub-Saharan Africa, which is beyond the rate of replacing peeps who die.

More good news is (IMO) that the Indian and Filippina 7 billionth babies are girls! If just symbolically, it underscores the importance of education and empowerment for females around the world. Baby girl fist pump!


Isn't it supposed to be luck? What if the 7 billionth was a boy? Would it be hail male dominance and sexism? :p


determining the 7 billionth baby is pretty stypid. Knowing the fact that there are 255 babies popping out throughout the world every minute.


hey guys? what if the 7 bilionth is just some baby in africa born in bush, to someone who could not afford a hospital?

what is this? some sort of road show taht look at this, this is the 7 bilth baby, look at this oddity and marvel at your own ordinariness.


sab bakwaas hain but this will sure get nargis and her parents lots of publicity might be stupid indian govt will give them some lakhs money ,,

it is impossible to determine who is the 7th billion ,,, just saw in one site there are 4.17 births per second, and as one member said that its impossible to calculate,, but media will take lots of faida of this,,


yea, so there is a baby born somewhere who is missing most of his body (sikh joke, i know :twisted: (oh my, i made one again :grin: i must stop before i get banned ))


its just a rabid case of misplaced self importance.

just the way the journos go crazy at any kind of "india-connect" that any foreign thing has (even if the connecting thing is toilet paper) and say "india is a global equal".

we cant even clean up our own country, yet we want to be like like the big shots, like usa, germany, japan. i feel very embarassed to be an indian when **** like this happens.


BIOS Terminator
The 7 bilionth baby is just hyped to raise the issue of alarming population increase. And an indian baby was selected as india is a significant contributor to this population problem. moreover, the baby was selected from UP where the population problem is worst. So, the aim of this "7 billionth baby" thing was not to precisely locate the baby, instead it was to spread awareness.


Aren't we supposed to be worried about widespread poverty and using up all our planetary resources? Hardly a number to celebrate IMHO.


BMG ftw!!
hey guys? what if the 7 bilionth is just some baby in africa born in bush, to someone who could not afford a hospital?

^^ this.
We are supposed to be concerned about the rapid increase in population, but media is making opposite sense of it by over-hyping the '7 billionth' baby. Stupid media! :x