Website Redesign. Feedback, Suggestions, Problems

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Web developer
Hi! Thanks a lot buddy!

Which credits should I give & in what format & where? I guess in footer?

For the images:
3 & 4?


Wise Old Crow
See this image:*
1. Menu bar image not showing up properly on both sides
2. Reduce the size of font or don't use capitals.(like the one used in About/Contact page)
3. Reduce the size of images.(in the blog page too)

4. Too much of space for ADs on the homepage itself.
5. In the footer area, centre the copyrights part above the 'Site requirement'.
6. Remove that grey background from the CC image. Let it stand apart. Change its location..(I don't know where)
7. In the About page, why there is so much gap between the statements?
8. Why not make your blog page the homepage itself?
9. Use uniformity in your website.
10. I wouldn't mind if you link back to my DA page. :D


Web developer
1. Ok, I used that intentionally. Will remove it

2. May I know the screen resolution you have? I know it sucks in 800*600. But most people atleast use 1024*768 these days. It seems OK in 1024*768 to me :(

3. Again screen resolution plz.

4. And still no cilcks :D

5. OK.

6. OK.

7. I am going to rewrite that soon :)

8. No coz in coming future it'll have hot forum posts too.

9. Please describe

10. Sure. I was going to ask you that for the logo. I'll do it when I rewrite the About page.

Thanks :)



Wise Old Crow
2. May I know the screen resolution you have? I know it sucks in 800*600. But most people atleast use 1024*768 these days. It seems OK in 1024*768 to me :(
3. Again screen resolution plz.
4. And still no cilcks :D
9. Please describe

2,3 - Mine is 1024x768. The font is still big and doesn't get well with the post title and content....about the Feed images;its big than the normal I 've seen. And is it necessary to include them at that position?

4 - ADs on the home page itself doesn't look good. Nobody is clicking why not remove it. Just a suggestion.

9 - Regarding uniformity, here are my observations.
In the Home page, your page title (Latest Article), the font is Myriad Pro at 24px uppercase and individual post titile has the same font at 18px.
In the About page, the page title has font TrebuchetMS at 24px but belongs to post title class.
In the Articles page, the post titles font is Myriad Pro at 24px.
All the page titles must have same font and size.
Also read post #2 by slugger. He too have some valid points.

For the content type, you have used Trebuchet MS at 12px. Its small. I sugget you try increasing the size by 1 or 2 or change the font to Arial and notice the difference.


1 thing left. The favicon is stretched in height. Why don't you keep in original size proportionately?
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Web developer
I'll do as you mentioned & I still remember what slugger suggested. It's just that I am working on various things that it got delayed.

I'll increase content font by 1 or 1.5px. I dont like Arial so I won't be using it.

The about page was written for previous theme. I will rewrite it soon. Waiting for some information from from my friend authors.

Thanks once again for you suggestios :)
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