Web Development Job Advice


Broken In
Hello all,

I am planning to start career in Web Development. But I want to know the scope in this field. I want to know the pay scale in this field. And the availability of the job specially in India.

Suggestions are welcome :)



Web development is indeed a very good field in India. Packages are also very attractive, but you have to plan it accordingly. You have to learn at least PHP, MySQL, JOOMLA, DRUPAL, AJAX, JSP, ASP, CGI, CSS & of course HTML


Broken In
Thanks for your reply.

Can you please let me know the approx payscale and also what course I need to do. I am a bio student so eng. cant be my option.



The One and Only
I don't think you need to do Engg for that. But Engg studs are the most sort after for jobs. (I spoke to a web developer abroad who is working for a firm. She told me while applying for jobs your portfolio matters the most).

Go step bey Step: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript with JQuery (or any other library of your choice), PHP, MySQL, ASP.Net. These are basically the 'starters'. Pay scale I am not so sure. Lets see what others have to say about this.
The Reputation Button Please. Give it a try.