want an android smartphone around 10k


Right off the assembly line
i want an android smartphone for around 10k that has a good camera, good processor, and can stream flash content n play just more than basic games decently. I have shortlisted a few of them but am unable 2 choose the best amongst them:
samsung galaxy y(no gpu n just 2mp camera)
lg optimus net p690
htc explorer(600 mhz processor n 90 mb int storage, is dat gud?)

i dont actually knw the diff. Bdtween a gpu phone n a phone without gpu...


Samsung Galaxy Y looks good among the three. Camera wise it is weak but processor and internal memory wise it is good.


I would suggest you to go with either Samsung Galaxt Y or HTC Eplorer. You have also other options like Samsung Galaxy Fit, Samsung Galaxy Pop etc.
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