Vote for real heroes


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Hi friends

I am here on this forum for a long time (and inactive also for long time:mrgreen:)

Yesterday i was seen a Blog with title Vote for CNN Heros As i reads it deep It goes interesting to see the man(well established) feeds he hungry peoples on the road. Daily two times .
The name of the great person is Narayanan Krishnan .

Friends usually our main aim in the life is to find a good job and spend a hifi life. When it come to our 'social' work it only limited to orkut and facebook. But think a man who leave the job just for feeding the hungry people.He was a master Sheff in five-star hotel of Singapore , he left that job for this work.

So friends he is nominated for CNN HERO award for his great work held on 25 Nov

To win this award he requires the votes from you.
YOU can read more about how to vote from this link

Click the below link

Vote for CNN Heros

I hope you will do some real SOCIAL WORK to make smile someones face . Please vote for narayanan.


Super Moderator
Staff member
hmm where is the poll page?

* :confused:
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