Vista vs Mojave

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Beyond Smart
look at desiibond's reply. :)
installing from the scratch takes just 20 minutes or so extra time, but gives lots more performance.

I meant that very few people like you and me care about performance tweaking and installing and configuring everything from scratch.

This was in response to your "I hate such people".
What Pat is referring is not installing but installing+configuring. Windows after installation is workable, the same cannot be said about some other OSs which need a lot of configuring to do.
Oye its not at all true. I installed only AFTER configuring everything (arch had a menu where I was allowed to configure before installation). And including that time was too low. Just a few basic edits of some text files and I was done.

But then again, tell me, taking windows itself as the subject, if I told you that by spending an hour or two extra, you can make windows after installation 10-20% faster than normal, wouldn't you be willing to spend some time like that ?

And even in windows, you have nLite. With lots of effort and time, finally if you manage to create the perfect install DVD, you don't need to do ANYTHING at all again on the next reinstall. Same is true for custom live distros.



Bond, Desi Bond!
And it's not difficult task too. It's easier to learn how to install and configure an app than learning how to install and configure dependancies for rpm's :)

no offense meant but it's a one time learn. This is age of the internet. You just don't have to live with the bloatware just because you don't know how to do it from scratch.

Learn and evolve. That's how the world goes.

And don't blame Vista if you can't learn.

PS: I am referring to people like this one in "*".


Slideshow Bob

Agreed. But first-time buyers or newbies or even casual users won't bother with all that. They want to start using their new computer as soon as they turn it on for the first time, without any noticeable sluggishness.

And BTW, why are we mentioning this point? I lost track of the discussion, actually :D
Agreed. But first-time buyers or newbies or even casual users won't bother with all that. They want to start using their new computer as soon as they turn it on for the first time, without any noticeable sluggishness.

And BTW, why are we mentioning this point? I lost track of the discussion, actually :D
I know, I know. Thats why I say do the configuring AFTER you do the growing intrest in computing part.

PS: this part is being mentioned so that we change the topic to something that does not involve fanboy wars...


Beyond Smart
Interesting read:


Bond, Desi Bond!

1. Microsoft treats its customers like they're stupid
MS is trying to educate those who think vista sucks without even looking at it. Of course, they are stupid to rely on stupid media comments

2. Microsoft embarrasses Mojave participates
Microsoft showed Mojave participates what really Vista is. They enlightened them :)
There is only one embarrassed participant. in video No. 51.

3. The marketing campaign blames customers for Vista's problems
wow. what an understanding by the author. It's authors like this that created wrong though on Vista

4. Microsoft denies there is a real problem
MS did agree that there was a problem and they fixed it. Look at Vista now, it's rocking. Seems like the author is stil living in 2007 January.

5. Mojave seethes with arrogance
I am Vista user for 18 months (2yrs since beta testing). After reading the article, I would say that it's the author that is arrogant and nobody else.

PS: Please don't refer such bullshit articles.


Beyond Smart

MS is trying to educate those who think vista sucks without even looking at it. Of course, they are stupid to rely on stupid media comments

Yea right. People are stupid to read media and expert reviews and then make a decision. :rolleyes: They should buy it straight-away without reading reviews because MS is saying its good.

Microsoft showed Mojave participates what really Vista is. They enlightened them :)
There is only one embarrassed participant. in video No. 51.
Yea SHOWED. Like a video of all the nice features in Mojava/Vista.

wow. what an understanding by the author. It's authors like this that created wrong though on Vista
What ?

MS did agree that there was a problem and they fixed it. Look at Vista now, it's rocking. Seems like the author is stil living in 2007 January.
Ya its rocking now. :rolleyes:

I am Vista user for 18 months (2yrs since beta testing). After reading the article, I would say that it's the author that is arrogant and nobody else.
I guess everyone here would agree that Mojave experiment is a bit lame. They showed just a video of all the good features in vista and after the users (dumb if I may add) gave it a higher rating, they conclude that it was all FUD that brought vista down in the first place. Can you beat that ? Just a video and 120 stupid people let brought them to that conclusion ? This is what I call arrogance.

PS: Please don't refer such bullshit articles.
Please don't call articles bullshit just because you don't agree with the authors views.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
vista is seriuosly one good OS...
some time ago i had chance to go back to XP.. man now i know why vista rocks..
XP isawesome too but vista is VERY userfriendly.. and SECURE too..
if anyone is complaining about UAC , after SP1 can go to hell..
it may sound annoying for geeks and nerds.. but for common person... its a secure wall before something goer wrong..

I haven seen mojave...



Bond, Desi Bond!
Yea right. People are stupid to read media and expert reviews and then make a decision. :rolleyes: They should buy it straight-away without reading reviews because MS is saying its good.

Yea SHOWED. Like a video of all the nice features in Mojava/Vista.

What ?

Ya its rocking now. :rolleyes:

Well!! what can I say. A non-Vista user sticking to a bullshit article, written by a dumb nonvista 80yr old journalist. Way to go.

I said this before and will say again, "If you don't know how to use Vista, stay away from it and stop shouting that it is bad".

I guess everyone here would agree that Mojave experiment is a bit lame. They showed just a video of all the good features in vista and after the users (dumb if I may add) gave it a higher rating, they conclude that it was all FUD that brought vista down in the first place. Can you beat that ? Just a video and 120 stupid people let brought them to that conclusion ? This is what I call arrogance.

Please don't call articles bullshit just because you don't agree with the authors views.

Oh yes. You mean "A good company is something that should show all the negatives about it's product for advertising instead of showing the positives to peope???"

Hell man!!!. now, I do not boubt that guy in video #51.

There are few whom we cannot satisfy

BTW, To buy a software, I do test it out and also read reviews. I will not go gaga with media without testing it

For how many minutes did you use Vista? and if you used, is that on Pentium 1 machine or on a Pentium 2 machine?


Beyond Smart
Well!! what can I say. A non-Vista user sticking to a bullshit article, written by a dumb nonvista 80yr old journalist. Way to go.

I said this before and will say again, "If you don't know how to use Vista, stay away from it and stop shouting that it is bad".

Please learn to post in a civilized manner. And don't try to vent your frustrations on me. I am not your mummy. And nobody is shouting that vista is bad, because everyone knows it is ;)

Oh yes. You mean "A good company is something that should show all the negatives about it's product for advertising instead of showing the positives to peope???"

BTW, To buy a software, I do test it out and also read reviews. I will not go gaga with media without testing it

For how many minutes did you use Vista? and if you used, is that on Pentium 1 machine or on a Pentium 2 machine?

Please refrain from posting something that you dont know about. I have a fairly decent lappy and have probably used and explored it more than you.


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^haha. Probably, yes. Probably.

Explored Vista!!! hmm. Around Vista in 8 hours :)

What frustrates me is those who can't type on a keyboard, write articles on vista and Mojave experiment.

Please refrain from posting something that you dont know about.

You are ready to read articles written by someone know knows nothing about Vista and refer them in forums but when someone in forums responds aggressive, you say that it should be refrained. LOLZ
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Beyond Smart
What frustrates me is those who can't type on a keyboard, write articles on vista and Mojave experiment.

You are ready to read articles written by someone know knows nothing about Vista and refer them in forums but when someone in forums responds aggressive, you say that it should be refrained. LOLZ

Yes sir. Anyone can be aggressive, but the point is that you can make statements without being aggressive. :)

And my friend, just because an authors view does not match with yours, you cannot call him stupid and the article bullshit.

And JFYI I asked you to refrain from posting about my pc and how long/much I have used vista. Clear ?
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The Devil's Advocate
Explored Vista!!! hmm. Around Vista in 8 hours
:lol: pwnage. Good one. :lol:

And my friend, just because an authors view does not match with yours, you cannot call him stupid and the article bullshit.
FYI Microsoft Watch is considered as a stupid blog by everyone, the author once a year produces an article that makes any sense. His writing style is such where he always makes points like "Microsoft thinks that its users are dumb, Microsoft we are not dumb." His articles aren't meant to be taken as standard, he himself doesn't know where he stands.


Beyond Smart
:lol: pwnage. Good one. :lol:

Lol! You are no different than him. How much do you know me ?

FYI Microsoft Watch is considered as a stupid blog by everyone, the author once a year produces an article that makes any sense. His writing style is such where he always makes points like "Microsoft thinks that its users are dumb, Microsoft we are not dumb." His articles aren't meant to be taken as standard, he himself doesn't know where he stands.

Yes obviously, every blog that posts anti-ms articles is stupid. :smile:


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^ haha. We are saying again and again, still you come to the same point.

The concern is journalists writing reports on vista without using vista (or without using it in proper way or trying to use it like xp).

They shout for new version and when the new version comes, they just blah blah's saying that it's not like XP. If it should be like XP, why should there be a new version.

Yes, with every new release of OS, there will be some bugs and the same is the case with Vista.

For gods sake, OS X Leopard that runs on only one (maybe two) architecture(s) had issues in the early stages.

Vista is being used on thousands of devices. How can you just expect it to bond with every single gadget in the world right from the day 1.

And the irony is non-vista users complaining about vista's ability. what the period do they know about Vista?

That is why MS had to take up the Mojave experiment. Show them the way to use it. Show them what exactly it is. And you see the result. 4.4 rating to 8.4. Those are the same users that used to say that Vista sucks blah blah blah and when they really saw what vista does, they are speechless.

Why the hell is MS Vista targeted like this. Vista recognizes and works with more number of devices than linux or unix or osx can work with. Still it is blamed. Why, coz blaming it feels so cool.

If you can't play a game, say crysis, you think that it needs better hardware (or latest hardware). You either get new hardware or stay thinking that you are unable to play such a great game.

But when Vista doesn't run properly on incompatible hardware, you blame Microsoft instead of thinking to get the same hardware.

Crysis is famous because of it's visual appeal and is more famous coz it burns CPU and GPU.

Vista is infamouse because of it's visual appeal and it burns CPU and GPU (they think and never knew that it can blaze on a 4-5 year old irg. All that it need is 1Gb to 2Gb RAM).

I think atleast now you would've understood. If you still can't, well, there are few who can never be satified

PS: Read this entire post
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The Devil's Advocate
Yes obviously, every blog that posts anti-ms articles is stupid.
Nope, there are well respected blogs that point out genuine flaws technically, in marketing or anything generally related to Microsoft and those blgos are frequented by Microsoft. This particular blog is given no weightage. The first few paragraphs show how much Microsoft gives about this author.
If you can't play a game, say crysis, you think that it needs better hardware (or latest hardware). You either get new hardware or stay thinking that you are unable to play such a great game.

Well that requires some rationality. But people think that if an OS can't run on 486 it is a bad OS.
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