Vista SP2 and Windows 7 more Secure than Mac Leopard or Linux

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Softpedia said:
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 is the absolute apex in security when it comes down to operating systems, Kevin Turner, chief operating officer for Microsoft, has indicated at the Midmarket CIO Summit earlier this week. Turner has had no problems applauding Vista SP2's superiority over rivals open source Linux and Apple's Mac OS X Leopard, although he has failed to offer any details related to the OS security-measuring content besides his perspective. At the same time, the Redmond company's COO has indicated that Windows 7, the software giant's next iteration of Windows will also be more secure than Linux and Leopard.

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PS: I will eat my hair if Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 turns out to be more secure than Linux :lol:


Super Moderator
Staff member
A very good news for us windows users. TFS :p

BTW, I kepp linux in dual booting ( suse & fedora ) with windows vista & xp :p
I still think MS is going a bit overboard here. While with each service pack Windows definitely gets more secure, it feels stupid comparing it to mac or a Linux Distro which are secure due to their respective architectures (BSD and Linux respectively).

Why can't MS for once say, "Windows 7 is the most secure windows yet and it's nomore vulnerable to common security issues and we are proud of it." Instead of trying to make tall claims about its security ?


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Ha ha ha... lol

This will do no more than put Windows users to a false sense of security... :|
Posted again:
Anyway, saying Windows is more secure than Linux is a very tall and generic statement. Which distribution are they comparing to? The old times of Linspire and Xandros are certainly highly insecure; Ubuntu and OpenSUSE are highly secure whereas well configured installation of Arch, Slackware, and debian; their security is highly dependent on the user setting it up.
Moreover setting up SELinux and AppArmour further enhances the security of the Linux distros as well.

I guess they are comparing Windows 7 + Firewall with a Linux logged in with root. :razz:
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You gave been GXified
I still think MS is going a bit overboard here. While with each service pack Windows definitely gets more secure, it feels stupid comparing it to mac or a Linux Distro which are secure due to their respective architectures (BSD and Linux respectively).

Do you know how the internal architecture of WIndows 7 & Vista SP2 is made? Do you know how many Virus attacks have been there for Vista? DO you know how Vista is coded? How do u know Windows 7 is less secure then Linux? Have u worked on Linux code or Windows Code?

If not, stop speculating & spreading word of mouth. Are you a security analyst yourself who has tested this? Or are you just talking on behalf of what you have heard the Lingeeks talking?

So now seems like you are correct when you know nothing about OS architecture etc while those proper certified security analyst & penetration testers are illiterate.
Do you know how the internal architecture of WIndows 7 & Vista SP2 is made? Do you know how many Virus attacks have been there for Vista? DO you know how Vista is coded? How do u know Windows 7 is less secure then Linux? Have u worked on Linux code or Windows Code?

The fault with windows is the very nature of it, including the way you install apps. Its simply much easier to trick a windows user into letting in a malware than trick a Linux user.

You need to log in as administrator for simple actions. Windows needs something like SUDO to become safer.

If not, stop speculating & spreading word of mouth. Are you a security analyst yourself who has tested this? Or are you just talking on behalf of what you have heard the Lingeeks talking?

So now seems like you are correct when you know nothing about OS architecture etc while those proper certified security analyst & penetration testers are illiterate.

For every 1 security analyst who thinks windows is more secure than linux, a hundred have proved otherwise.

As for Vista SP2, I am giving it time. Lets see how it looks when it comes out. As I said before, I will eat my own hair and upload a video to youtube if its more secure than my desktop.


Bond, Desi Bond!
The fault with windows is the very nature of it, including the way you install apps. Its simply much easier to trick a windows user into letting in a malware than trick a Linux user.

You need to log in as administrator for simple actions. Windows needs something like SUDO to become safer.

Dude. ever heard about "restricted mode" login for windows and "Run as administrator" mode in windows. There are 11 different user account types in XP itself and each account has different set of security setup. Most of the users use Administrator type account for their userid and this is where the problem is.

setup your account as "standard user" or "restricted user" and when you try to install app using "run as admin" mode, it asks for admin password.

The reason for virus attacks is purely due to illiteracy on users' part. The last virus attack that my PC had was years ago and that too because of my idiot friend who connected my HDD to his PC (he thought his PC is virus free when it is fully loaded).

I have been using Avast+win7 UAC and I feel totally secure. Not even a single virus attack and now I don't have to worry about scanning external drives that my friends bring as Avast recognizes viruses as soon as I connect the drive.

PS: PC's have never been so much safer. If your PC has virus, it's solely because of you and nothing else.
MS gone nuts. Get ready for a new Mac ad pwning MS :D

BTW I've been using Vista SP2 Beta for 5 months now and it's very safe but you can't call it more secure than the likes of OS X or Linux. PERIOD!
Dude. ever heard about "restricted mode" login for windows and "Run as administrator" mode in windows. There are 11 different user account types in XP itself and each account has different set of security setup. Most of the users use Administrator type account for their userid and this is where the problem is.

setup your account as "standard user" or "restricted user" and when you try to install app using "run as admin" mode, it asks for admin password.

The reason for virus attacks is purely due to illiteracy on users' part. The last virus attack that my PC had was years ago and that too because of my idiot friend who connected my HDD to his PC (he thought his PC is virus free when it is fully loaded).

I have been using Avast+win7 UAC and I feel totally secure. Not even a single virus attack and now I don't have to worry about scanning external drives that my friends bring as Avast recognizes viruses as soon as I connect the drive.

PS: PC's have never been so much safer. If your PC has virus, it's solely because of you and nothing else.
11 different user modes ? How ? Give details.

I need to log in as administrator each time I need to alter files which are write protected against normal users.

I need to run several apps only as admin or they fail to run.

Does atleast 1 of those 11 user modes help here ? (non admin)


Bond, Desi Bond!
"Standard User"

Users can change many system settings and install programs that don't effect Windows system settings
Posted again:
give it a try once.

Try windows 7 (you can take a copy of it from me if you want), setup up Avast home edition + UAC and see how much secure it is.

PS: when the OS is used by majority of PC user community, when every single hacker/cracker on earth tries to break it and it is still as secure as linux, then of course I would say that it's security is much more powerful than Linux or any other OS.
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Bond, Desi Bond!
11 different user modes ? How ? Give details.

You need to check for yourself mate :)

I need to log in as administrator each time I need to alter files which are write protected against normal users.

I need to run several apps only as admin or they fail to run.
That's what restriction means. Can you install an app in linux without changing to root. can you change permission on any file in linux for which you are not the owner?

As I said earlier, there is an option to run as admin:


If it's the same in windows, how does it become a negative point. Be reasonable dude. Be reasonable!!!

Does atleast 1 of those 11 user modes help here ? (non admin)[/quote]
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In the zone
You need to check for yourself mate :)

That's what restriction means. Can you install an app in linux without changing to root. can you change permission on any file in linux for which you are not the owner?

As I said earlier, there is an option to run as admin:


If it's the same in windows, how does it become a negative point. Be reasonable dude. Be reasonable!!!

Does atleast 1 of those 11 user modes help here ? (non admin)

You can install app with out having root access in Linux = True without problem, this is the best part with having diffrent set of permission level.

and you can change permission of a file even if you are not owner.

I don't have anything against windows, and even they are trying there best to make it more secure and better looking, yet it yikes me to spend money to get an OS.

But windows is windows and Linux is linux. What and why to compare, if you like Linux then so be it, if u like windows then so be it.

PS : I still like Linux more, as I can actually own it, develope it, evolve it, bug it and fix it, can do stress testing on it, Can do verious security testing without being worried to pay up again for new installs even if it is 1000 times.

So for ppl like me Linux is more suited.
You need to check for yourself mate :)

That's what restriction means. Can you install an app in linux without changing to root. can you change permission on any file in linux for which you are not the owner?

As I said earlier, there is an option to run as admin:


If it's the same in windows, how does it become a negative point. Be reasonable dude. Be reasonable!!!
There is a difference here in Linux. I just need to fire up the terminal pressing one of the special keys on my keyboard and type a line to install an app using sudo. Basically speaking, I don't enter desktop of root EVER.

That's what I want to do in windows. I am forced to log OUT and log in admin mode. And the run-as option is awesome, but I still can't do things like run filemanager in administrator mode, etc.

And is there something like fakeroot for Windows ? I.E, some old games compulsorily need administrator access though there is nothing in the game justifying its need. So is there an app to execute another app while fooling it that its being run as administrator ?

In a nutshell, I don't ever want to have to look at the desktop of administrator user except in safe mode.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Guys, stop the bloody Lin vs Win war here. Let discuss the feature which MS says will make Win more secure than Mac and Lin.

P.S : I can't stop Loling on this claim, still I won't spoil tha party/false feeling of Win user's. Rock On :D


duhh !! even a kid in my college can be a security analyst.
in fact already is, has given seminars in Singapore, Pairs, LA.. etc. ROFL.
he had the symantic engineers running to take cover when he was on stage.
Guys, stop the bloody Lin vs Win war here. Let discuss the feature which MS says will make Win more secure than Mac and Lin.

P.S : I can't stop Loling on this claim, still I won't spoil tha party/false feeling of Win user's. Rock On :D
Saurav was the only guy warring. I am asking questions here not bashing windows. :p


Bond, Desi Bond!

also, at run window, you can start command prompt in admin mode by using Ctrl+shift+enter key combination. yes, it's inferior to linux's command prompt, but it is there for use.

PS: It just needs some search to know. Windows that most of us know is user level but there is more to it.

For all your above needs, there is a simple option. As I said earlier use "standard user" login. It keeps windows safe and at the same time it gives you just the right priviledges. Try it out and let me know if you face any difficulties.

run windows explorer as Admin: *

Guys, stop the bloody Lin vs Win war here. Let discuss the feature which MS says will make Win more secure than Mac and Lin.

P.S : I can't stop Loling on this claim, still I won't spoil tha party/false feeling of Win user's. Rock On :D

dude. who is fighting here???
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