Vista Rocks/Sucks. Period.

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Broken In
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

I love to work on Vista but compatibility problems always arise, compatiblity wizard comes to no help. Not many applications, drivers r available


Web developer
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Vista saved me! UAC saved me from viruses without any anti-virus installed. Yes UAC can't save me from all viruses but it saved my day from the folder to .exe virus & .inf creator in drive root. :D

Only six rootkits out of thirty could run on Vista, but the testers had to turn off UAC to get even this far. Vista's UAC itself spotted everything thrown in front of it.

DX 10 rocks!

WPF rocks!

Aero is useful & it does not have any useless effects.

It saved my eyes from default blue scheme of XP. I hated XP for those dark blue default colour scheme.


UAC prompt need not be that violent. We can have fading effect, like Milind mentioned in a post.

Vista Ultimate rocked my wallet too! :( Please MS, don't convert USD into INR! Sensible pricing is all you need to reduce pirated copies.


left this forum longback
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

why? :D shocked to hear Vista suck$?

Firstly,except those kids who own super powered rigs wil try this cr@p of a OS. :| next,these M$ lovers dont even care for freedom and rights of common people.they will whine over piracy and how it sucks.but conveniently forgot how DRM forced by Vista and all make the computing life how a Royal pain for common winblows users.

Even more,I urge n00b window$ boys to let know the realities of this monopoly :

Letting you know!


Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

:? Windows never had the requirement of downloading stupid packages for playing mp3s
:lol: I pretty well know the difference between XP, Vista, Ubuntu & OS X.
an absolutely worthless rant.
Games post 2007, yes :)
I never said resources, which too, contrary to popular beilef it uses from the GPU & not the CPU/dedicated Ram
Another worthless rant.
Where it comes from was not what I was talking about, it's presence is what I was pointing out to.

How are those "worthless rants"? Did you not understand the post?

Quad boot is a menace. There is no way you can deny that. There are lots of apps that work on 3 or all of the platforms you use. Do you have it stuck in your head as to what you installed on what?

Don't you care about gaming performance? Every game tested suffers at the very least a 10% drop in performance in Vista. How is losing 10% performance a good or even an okay thing?

BTW.. aero uses both GPU and RAM. Go look at your task manager. And hey, GPU is resources too.

Lets be honest for 10 seconds here. You cannot honestly be telling me that Photoshop is actually usable under Vista with 640MB of RAM. Ordinarily, Vista uses 700MB+ of RAM just to keep itself running.

About game compatability, duh! Compatability generally refers to older things! If I say, my mobo is compatible with DDR2 RAM, will you be surprised???

About gadgets and apps, those are things that can be added on by third party free software. If you want to go blow 12k on stuff you can get for free, go ahead.

UAC sucks. Admit it. The concept is great, but its just too darn annoying. I bet you have it switched off right now.

Apparently, you can't use sarcasm in these forums anymore without people going "ga ga ga... what?" and saying "worthless rant" repeatedly.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Firstly,except those kids who own super powered rigs wil try this cr@p of a OS. :| next,these M$ lovers dont even care for freedom and rights of common people.they will whine over piracy and how it sucks.but conveniently forgot how DRM forced by Vista and all make the computing life how a Royal pain for common winblows users.
DRM DRM DRM, I think you forgot what happened last time you spoke about DRM :lol:

DRM has never affected me, charan was the only person who has ever used DRM conten on this forum, you yourself have never come across any DRM content stillkeep crapping threads with it, Apple & Microsoft both have to implement DRM because they are the most used proprietary Operating Systems & most used online media distributors, this DRM was started by Sony as it was a Producer and faced problems due to piracy. Get your facts right, then come and talk about anything.

You talk about freedom of people but conviniently forget the hard work put in by the artisits to give you give the Tashan songs you are listening to on your PC. Let's face it your anger with DRM is more so because you cannot play DRM content :lol:


You gave been GXified
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Firstly,except those kids who own super powered rigs wil try this cr@p of a OS.

Have a look at the tutorial by me in which you can make a vista premium certified rig in Rs 15k.

:| next,these M$ lovers dont even care for freedom and rights of common people.they will whine over piracy and how it sucks.but conveniently forgot how DRM forced by Vista and all make the computing life how a Royal pain for common winblows users.

No, not for any common Windows user but for common Linux users. We are able to run DRM & non-DRM content. You can't run DRMed content at all.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Lets be honest for 10 seconds here. You cannot honestly be telling me that Photoshop is actually usable under Vista with 640MB of RAM. Ordinarily, Vista uses 700MB+ of RAM just to keep itself running.
That is why it is said that when you don't know much about something you should rather keep mum. Vista occupies RAM and distributes when needed, that is a newer & efficient memory management method implemented in Vista ;)

About gadgets and apps, those are things that can be added on by third party free software. If you want to go blow 12k on stuff you can get for free, go ahead.
So how does it become a negative?
UAC sucks. Admit it. The concept is great, but its just too darn annoying. I bet you have it switched off right now.
No, it is activated, my brother gets a lot of pen drives, so I have to have it ;), I guess you need read some stuff regarding UAC. When UAC was first brought out, it used to pop-up a lot, but later on with updates it was reduced, also initially developers did not know the working of the UAC prompts, newer versions of softwares don't pop-up as much.
Apparently, you can't use sarcasm in these forums anymore without people going "ga ga ga... what?" and saying "worthless rant" repeatedly.
Oh, so you were being sarcastic :rolleyes: didn't realize.


You gave been GXified
Re: Vista Sucks. Period.

That is it. I have had it.

This is my third, yes, read it again, third brush with Vista. My previous two attempts failed disastrously as well.

Did you read this tutorial :rolleyes:

I followed every "solution" I found online and it refuses to work. I can't for the life of me get a game to work that will probably work bloody well on XP. With better performance, mind you.

Is it Microsoft which made the game? Why don't you go & blame the game developer for not releasing a compatibility patch for the game to run in in Windows Vista?

Quake 4 initially wasn't compatible with Windows Vista, but later on ID Software released an Update & now Quake runs fine on Windows.

Why is it the fault of Vista that an application made by someone else is no longer working??? Isn't it the responsibility of the developer to update the software accordingly?
All along, I had been solving problems that Vista created. Be it my Sound card drivers, a pathetic failed attempt to get my scanner to work, some other old games of mine.... All were non-issues from which Vista removed the non

The sound card manufacturer refuced to release Vista compatible drivers so that there new Sound card model will sale.

Same with scanner.

Game developers are not releasing update packs for there old games.

How is it the fault of MS?
. Vista is something Microsoft worked for a very long time on.

Still developers decided not to update there software.
Sure it is supposed to have teething problems, but one and a half years and a service pack later, you really expect it to have grown some teeth already.

Yup, I do expect. All the applications I use or used are now compatible with Vista.

microsoft has a nasty way to remove directx compatibility layers in their directx versions. in MS's directx, a new version can't run older versions properly.

Like I said before, your knowledge of DirectX, OpenGL & graphics API is next to nil. Direct9c is able to run all DirectX stuff from DirectX 5 to DirectX 9c because the code base was same all along. DirectX 10 is a completely new API which is not compatible with the old API cos MS had to chose between more features & stability & backward compatibility. MS decided to go with Stability & still relesed Direct9c & lower compatible runtime in form of DirectX 9L in Vista.

However, it is the job of game developer to update there game to recognise & run with DirectX 9L. Valve did it with Half Life 2, ID did it with Doom 3 & Quake 4, Epic did it with UT2004, but many other developer refuced to do it cos it didn't make sense to them to update there old game when they had a new game in market to replace the old editon.

Example: Ubisoft relesed updates due to which Splinter Cell chaos theory works fine in Vista but first splinter cell game had no updates & might not run properly.

it is not the fault of MS for advancing the technology, it is the fault of lazy developers not to update there product for the new OS.

This is definitely not the case with OpenGL. These b@st@rds have the most disgusting marketing policies, like publically telling lies about their OS in a positive way and FUDing against their competition.

Lol....I have worked in both OpenGL & DirectX boy when u were in you dipers. Don't get me started on this. Me, Anidex & some other graphics guys had long coversations in the past already on this & agree that even OpenGL had many compatibility issues & isn't that suitable for games. On the other hand, OpenGL just kicks the arse of DirectX 9c when it comes to workstation apps.

They do this so that people will be forced to buy every new game when it releases. These are cunning stratagies to empty the world's wallets. Their actual motto is not Your Potential, Our Passion, but Your Wallet, Our Puppet.

The name of this moto is Business :D. Suppose you paid for your first generation iPod & still using it. Go to any apple shop to repair it & the representative will say "Apple isn't making spare parts for this model anymore".

When technology advances, then it gets more costly to support old technology then to manufacture product with new technology.

The bad thing is, people are so much used to this problem with running older directx apps on newer directx platform, that they start telling things like "its old, who wants it", etc and take it for granted that MS is doing no wrong.

You don't like it???? Fine, buy a XBOX 360 or playstation 3. You will be ablet to play games easily for 5 or 6 years.

Take a look at MS's OSS competitions. There, I can take a made in 1995 app and run it on a made in 2008 OS. In MS's case, one can only dream of doing such things.

Try doing so, please even I m waiting to see some screenshots.

Microsoft is known to provide the best backward compatibility in the industry. Too bad some people don't understand & want to stay in the stone age.
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left this forum longback
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

so,with DRM in winblows VI$ta,what is this:
NSA of US mil secured Vista with obvious holes to spy on other countries, much for VI$ta. :rolleyes:

Built-in Vista probing tools exposed
A report on Softpedia has revealed more than 20 different Vista features and services that harvest user data for Microsoft and (dare I say it) to the software giant's credit, it makes no secret about the fact Windows Vista is gathering information.

Whether or not the data harvesting is right, Microsoft provides both a Windows Vista Privacy Statement and there are also references to the data collection services in the End User License Agreement (PDF) that you agree to when you are installing the operating system.

However, what's disappointing is the fact that Microsoft has admitted that the list provided under the Windows Vista Privacy Statement is far from exhaustive. Indeed, Softpedia says that there are another 47 Windows Vista features and services that collect data. Not all of these phone home, but the report claims that around 50 percent of these items do contact Microsoft.

There is no indication of what actually happens to the data collected by Microsoft via Windows Vista but, based on two excerpts from the Windows Vista Privacy Statement, the software giant is in two minds as to how it'll use the data collected from your machine.
read full article here:


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

:lol: gx NSA wants your secret recipe of staying thin, stop using Windows aaaahhhhh mummy bachao :lol:


left this forum longback
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

^why panic when something true about Vi$ta is exposed? eh?shocked?
true!thanks to ppl!they made it a flop understanding how bad this demon os costing their time,money and efficiency of work :)


Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Re-distributing RAM takes resources, which is what often shows up in games as RAM lag. Guess what, you don't know it all. So stop pretending you do, and asking others to "keep mum". You know that long pause every-time you open up a long list, or quit a game? Yeah I've experienced that when I had 512MB of RAM. That is the redistributing you are referring to.

Quick question : Do you face that problem to the same extent on XP?

The add-ons are a negative, considering the amount you're paying for it. If you don't care about blowing cash, then, that's another topic altogether.

And I don't "need read" stuff about UAC. I've experienced it enough to know that it is virtually unusable, especially when you are using an admin password.

About the sarcasm, gosh, I posted a damn sarcasm alert! How dense are you?


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

^why panic when something true about Vi$ta is exposed? eh?shocked?
Shocked! you have been spamming this same article every opportunity you get for the past 6 months :lol: as matter of fact you have been spamming the forum with links every opportunity you get :lol:

PS: On a serious note, IMHO you have done so much that I have stopped taking your posts seriously anymore. First I used to read the articles you linked, not any more ;)


Saurav, yes I read your article. Just a side note here: its one hell of an article.

Sure you can just say its not MSs fault, but why put up with it? You have a choice, why stick it out with Vista? Are you loyal to it or something? Why would you want to use an OS that promises no new features, renders hardware and software unusable and hinders performance?

Instead, you could just admit that Vista sucks and move on, or back to XP. Play all your games in full glory and use that dusty old scanner.

Threads merged. Have fun :p

You're evil, you know that? :p
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left this forum longback
^well boy(imav)!you are such a mind-less person!you always want to defend anything M$FT.that is the reason why,I started the defense,showing the decayed face of M$FT.

I cannot let innocent winblows users,who thinks microsoft is dog.I cannot baby!
I should let them know how M$ sucks with their monopoly!
I have to let them know how Linux or any alternate free,open source operating systems rock!
* -get a life!get Linux :)
admire FOSS

next time,or any time you try to spread the FUD,beware,I am sure there to crack open the decayed face of redmond ba$tard :)


The Devil's Advocate
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Re-distributing RAM takes resources, which is what often shows up in games as RAM lag.
This post of yours required me to go over to giga's online smiley page to get this:
Quick question : Do you face that problem to the same extent on XP?
Yes. I game on Vista as opposed to XP.

next time,or any time you try to spread the FUD,beware,I am sure there to crack open the decayed face of redmond ba$tard :)
We all know who spreads on the forum. Blaming Microsoft for DRM, while leaving the ones who started it & the others who follow it. We know who spreads FUD with posts where they say that DRM is this and that, when they themselves don't know anything about DRM. We know who spreads FUD and makes comments like: I will rather support Piracy than DRM ;) ya we know who spreads FUD ;)
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You gave been GXified
Re: Vista Rocks. Period.

Quad boot is a menace. There is no way you can deny that.

That is why we have Intel VT/AMD Virtualisation with Microsoft Virtual PC, Sun Virtual Box, VMware etc & GPU virtualisation in DirectX 10 so that you can run old 3D Games native in Vista inside a VM.

Don't you care about gaming performance? Every game tested suffers at the very least a 10% drop in performance in Vista. How is losing 10% performance a good or even an okay thing?
Only those games which are running with DirectX 9 code path in Vista. Sorry, but since games are running through a compatibility layer of DirectX 9L performance will be a bit low.

BTW.. aero uses both GPU and RAM. Go look at your task manager. And hey, GPU is resources too.
Would u prefer to feed electrisity to your GPU while running the OS & let it do nothing, or would u prefer it not sitting idle & doing something for the OS like running a vector UI etc.

Compiz fusion also uses the GPU for all those effects, why don't u call it useless?

Lets be honest for 10 seconds here. You cannot honestly be telling me that Photoshop is actually usable under Vista with 640MB of RAM. Ordinarily, Vista uses 700MB+ of RAM just to keep itself running.
Lolz....the ammount of RAM photoshop uses depends on the image. If all he is running is a digital image with some filters etc then Photoshop can easily run. however, it is not possible to run Photshop properly on 640 MB RAM with 40 layers & 80 filters.
UAC sucks. Admit it. The concept is great, but its just too darn annoying. I bet you have it switched off right now.
because of UAC developers are now making applications which work in User mode unlike the usual admin mode of old Windows OS resulting in more stability & security. It is the hard way to make developers follow the guidelines of making an application for Windows so as it doesn't break the OS.

Sure you can just say its not MSs fault, but why put up with it? You have a choice, why stick it out with Vista? Are you loyal to it or something? Why would you want to use an OS that promises no new features, renders hardware and software unusable and hinders performance?

Instead, you could just admit that Vista sucks and move on, or back to XP. Play all your games in full glory and use that dusty old scanner.
Simple, Vista makes it easier for me to work on my computer.

With Aero & WPF & my Radeon HD 3650, I am able to run 3Ds max's viewport, Photoshop, visualisation in Winamp & still a webcam chat in Skype without any lag in my system.

I render a scene in 3ds max, while desigining in Microsoft blend, listening to music & chatting with someone in Yahoo messenger for Vista. This wasn't possible with XP cos the system used to get very slow, but not with Vista.

All my old & new hardwre work flawlessly with Vista. I bought a system in 2004 & was using Vista with it till March 2008 & now this new rig. No hardware problem here.

I don't play games again & again, with the exception of Doom 3 & Qukae 4, Far Cry, & Gears of War. Some of these are old games & ID has relesed update for Quake 4 & Doom 3 after which they work flawlessly in Vista.

hey, 3 years back Khronos group said they will be relesing OpenGL for Vista which will kick DirectX 10's arse & give more performance then DX 10 in Aero etc, where is it :D

I don't know what hardware u use, u must have bought it following the advice of the shop keeper & never did any research of your own. I bought my old workstation & the new one after proper research & look how mach efficient they were.
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