Urgent: Dell XPS M1330 or XPS M1530?

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Jun 22, 2007
i've chosen these two lappies. the Dell XPS M1330 and the Dell XPS M1530. one a 13.3" n other a 15.4". basically i need a laptop which i can occasionally carry n shudnt be much of a pain. like i shud b able to squeeze with n use it comforatbly in a car, or any other situation like dat.
Now that Dell has introduced the 15.4" one too, i'm pretty confused.
Will I feel the difference when carrying a 13.3" n a 15.4" notebook? and is the 15.4" display a real advantage over the 13.3" one?
Help me guyz, plz...
my dadz onna come in a week frm abroad, n he'll b tugging along with it..so plz hurry up...


Another Brick in the Wall
Jul 21, 2004
If you just want to tug around in hands, then of course 13" is better. Also if you're going to use it in car, airport or where mobility is a must, then also 13" is better.

But if you're going to use for gaming, movies, surfing then it's better to go for 15.4". This is going to be a kilogram weighter than the 13.3" one but once you get used to it, then it should not be an issue.

IMO, go for 15.4".


In the zone
Feb 16, 2007
Sometime ago I bought a Dell Inspiron from US and as a Dell user I have only one suggestion, don't go for dell.
But, for some reasons should you must have it, then have an international warranty as well. The optical drive fails rather too soon. It failed even within the warranty period and all they did was ship the installation CDs. The Dell laptop bought my brother-in-law in US too ran into same problems.
After the expiry of the warranty you simply cannot the Dell support, that is a major problem. You can't chat with them, you can't send them email, nothing. I am still struggling with my Dell laptop. Be warned, this could happpen to you. With an international warranty, you might get service in India.
Who knows, you may not be as unlucky as myself.
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