Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism



o really!!! Enough now...i gonna pwn u wait for my pc...:)
being in [V.a] & having a fancy name does not make u any better :rolleyes: :lol:
stop showboating.

if u dont know what showboating means, go here ---->> *www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=showboating

i m ready for official 1vs1 match between u & me. ggn will spectate & someone else will host the server. we will have equal ping & i will pwn u.


In the zone

IRC server = Freenode (select fromt he drop down menu)
Nick = <your_digit_ID>
Channel = #urt

Come @ 8pm sharp.

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
being in [V.a] & having a fancy name does not make u any better :rolleyes: :lol:
stop showboating.

if u dont know what showboating means, go here ---->> *www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=showboating

i m ready for official 1vs1 match between u & me. ggn will spectate & someone else will host the server. we will have equal ping & i will pwn u.

hmm....so now again 1on1 match...ok i m ready, i dont care i win or loose...wait for somedays for my pc..:)

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Till now here are the 1on1 match i had fought.

1. Crazykiller - I won
2. Hari - I won
3. Toofan - I won
4. Crepy B*tch - I won
5. Terminator - I won
6. Parshu - I lost
7. Rocketbaba - I lost
8. dhr - i won
9. shoot-em-up - draw


Three Guys aimbotting + wallhacking on CC clan's #3 Japan Playground. One of them an admin and vetoing all kick vote calls.
The voter gets kicked too!!!

Want a demo??
Posted again:
Till now here are the 1on1 match i had fought.

1. Crazykiller - I won
2. Hari - I won
3. Toofan - I won
4. Crepy B*tch - I won
5. Terminator - I won
6. Parshu - I lost
7. Rocketbaba - I lost
8. dhr - i won
9. shoot-em-up - draw

Y's my name on the top?????

BTW you actually got PwNeD by creepy and prashu, i was there too in spec.
Still got the screenshots, Want them posted here??

The Terminator you pwned is fake see the name, the real one's terminnator.
I have never ever heard of Rocketbaba!!!

Hari never says that he is a pro and he never challenged u krazzy.

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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Y's my name on the top?????

aise hi!! nothing special..

BTW you actually got PwNeD by creepy and prashu, i was there too in spec.

parshu pwned me but not creppy. if u dont believe go ask creppy that i had pwned him :)

The Terminator you pwned is fake see the name, the real one's terminnator.

There are 2 terminators...one which is on 3rd rank in RSA Hell ranking and other DER leader....And i owned the leader i.e [DER]Terminator not terminator..8)


Just for ur information i never said i m a pro...of 9 1on1 matches i had fought on.Only 2 i had challenged(u and hari) the other 7 challenge is given to me and i love to accept challenge...Peace:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:

P.S. :- I never said i m a pro

@Gagan : just join there i need to show u something over there;)
@Fragula : The 1on1 match which will be fought between us is a friendly match, i never want my frined to become my enemy..:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
No orkut for me please!

@Fragula : The 1on1 match which will be fought between us is a friendly match, i never want my frined to become my enemy..:)
Yeah, he also wants a friendly match. :)

Don't take his words seriously, most of the time he is just being funny. :)
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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
No orkut for me please!

I gonna join twitter soon....leave that.. :)

Yeah, he also wants a friendly match. :)

Don't take his words seriously, most of the time he is just being funny. :)
He is younger than me but still he gives me tough competition during gameplay:twisted:
No doubt he is a good player.

hi kazry u seem pro waths ur in=game nickk/?

My name is [V.a]-[Krazzy]-* and nah i m not damn pro, gagan(ico) is pro..:wink:

the leader of DER. IS the terminator that was 3rd on RSA

Ah! i aint knew lol 3rd Ranker is pwned :grin::grin::grin::lol:
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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^ ah! really

jhut kam bol (dont tell lie)..if u sux then i m total noob in game:lol:

I still remember those days when i used to have a ratio of 1:100 and now i play somewhat good.. 50:30 or whatever...

Gagan it is only because of u i have reached this stage of my skill...U stood as an inspiration to me in this game...:-D :-D thx million times:)

Now i m somewhat comfortable with laptop keyboard:wink:

BTW do u guys play still play at BUMPY...I mean is bumpy still up nowdays???

btw gagan can i have ur phone no...mobile no:twisted::twisted::twisted: and regarding orkut i was showing u something related to my Girl Friend:cool::cool:
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