Unbalanced bass from Philips SHE7000s.


So, I bought these a little while ago and they are like this since the beginning, the left driver works perfectly fine while the right driver has problem when bassy, low frequency notes kick in. It plays them but with much less volume than the left driver creating an imbalance which is just pathetic.

At first, it wasn't distinguishable but as they burned in a little bit, the difference is clear. Anybody would tell that.

The problem, however is only in the lows, what do you think I should do? Let them burn in on the low notes for some hours OR something else?


Well, I tried them with:

1. My Desktop
2. My iPod
3. My Sony Xperia M

Gaced Similar problem with all of them while my sister's sonys work fine on all three.


In the zone
Philips SHE7000 retails for about 800 Rs online if you have purchased it locally then return it tell that right driver has problem but if you bought it from online from sites like flipkart mostly they are sold by merchants like WS retailer. First try to mail them & tell them about the problem if they are willing to change the product with out couriers charges then send it to them. If not try crossfeed setting on Players like Poweramp on Sony Xperia M to balance the output the reason is if you add the addition couriers charges then the value if the IEM increase.