unable to install limewire in ubuntu

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i downloaded the .zip installer for limewire from the limewire site(one option was .rpm so i choose the other option LimeWireOther.zip)
.i dont know what the hell to do wid this file...

can som one tell me how to install this or anyother file like this.and also how to uninstall programs


Debian Rocks!
do one thing apt-get install alien and then download the rpm version of limewire too.then run
~$sudo alien -d limewirexxx.rpm
check ur current directory to get limewire.deb file.install it using the command " sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb"
or simply double click if u got gdebi installed.


@tech_your_future :searched for limewire in synaptic nothing shows up....

@freebird...tried that give me this error...

savi@savi-desktop:~$ su
root@savi-desktop:/home/savi# apt-get install alien
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
alien: Depends: debhelper (>= 3) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: dpkg-dev but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

what do i do now?


Debian Rocks!
firstly read below tutorial afaik u need java also fo LW

do u have internet?apt can solve the deps by d/ling and installing from different repos.try my /etc/apt/sources.list copied,if u have ubuntu edgy.
cat /media/sda12/etc/apt/sources.list
###gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv KEY
###gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -

deb *us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse

deb *us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb *us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

deb *us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb *security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb *archive.canonical.com/ubuntu edgy-commercial main

deb *download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy 3v1n0

deb *wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main

deb *download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn


Debian Rocks!
Do you have internet on ur Linux Box?then only these all works!
for dapper,u can make a /etc/apt/sources.list using this source-o-matic website.

or just edit and add to /etc/apt/sources.list make a backup of earlier sources.list if u want.

[B] How to add extra repositories [/B]
[*]Read [URL="*ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#General_Notes"]#General Notes[/URL]
[*]You can also [URL="*ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_apt-get_the_easy_way_.28Synaptic.29"] add extra repositories using the Synaptic Package Manager[/URL]. New users may find it more user-friendly to add extra repositories through the Package Manager. If you follow the link above, you do not have follow the rest of this tip.[/LIST]sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list[LIST]
[*]Replace everything with the following lines[/LIST]To use your local mirror you can add "[I]cc.[/I]" before [I]archive.ubuntu.com[/I] (cc = your country code) e.g. [I]deb [URL="*lv.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*lv.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper main restricted universe multiverse[/I]  ## Add comments (##) in front of any line to remove it from being checked.   
## Use the following sources.list at your own risk.  

deb [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper main restricted universe multiverse

## MAJOR BUG FIX UPDATES produced after the final release
deb [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb [URL="*security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src [URL="*security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse

## BACKPORTS REPOSITORY (Unsupported.  May contain illegal packages.  Use at own risk.)
deb [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src [URL="*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"]*archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse

## PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported.  May contain illegal packages.  Use at own risk.)
deb [URL="*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/"]*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/[/URL] dapper free non-free
deb-src [URL="*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/"]*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/[/URL] dapper free non-free

## CANONICAL COMMERCIAL REPOSITORY (Hosted on Canonical servers, not Ubuntu
## servers. RealPlayer10, Opera and more to come.) 
deb [URL="*archive.canonical.com/ubuntu"]*archive.canonical.com/ubuntu[/URL] dapper-commercial main[LIST]
[*]Save the edited file[/LIST]wget -q [URL="*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg"]*medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg[/URL] -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
now try apt-get install alien or from menu Desktop>Administration>synaptic for seeing all pkgs


El mooooo
Just extract the .tar.gz somewhere and execute the limewire script located in the folder. I have used limewire long time ago and that is how I used it.


@eddie..the file was in .zip format and .rpm format...not .tar.gz so didnt know wat to do ...so followed freebird.....but thanks 4 replyin.
thanks man.
it worked...reppin u.


El mooooo
sav_more said:
@eddie..the file was in .zip format and .rpm format...not .tar.gz so didnt know wat to do
Oops...yeah I misread that but then you could have extracted the zip file and read the README file :)

AFAIK Limewire doesn't come in source code format and it was as easy as executing the script in that folder.
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