Two girls arrested for anti-Thackeray Facebook post


In the zone
Internet is a place where billions of people post billions of comments everywhere and a major share of them are offensive, hateful, insulting. forget about arresting, govt cant even keep the count of such comments. facebook has a billion users, who cares what bs every tom dick n harry writes. there are probably many more blogs, forums, discussion boards, video sites, news websites etc where a lot more people comment.

Govt only made it worse, after arresting the girls, people from entire globe have started posting hateful comments about Bal Thackery. if some teenage hacker got angry about this , he would probably make it worse. the organization may be embarrassed to visit internet again.
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clearly, if any celeb posts something wrong on twitter by mistake or without second thoughts, its gets sensationalized. I believe the kochi team owner politician, UNO something guy did it. And also p chidambaram ? don't remember..
its pretty much the case here, except this is on FB, she is not a celeb, but the timing was just wrong, and of course lots of mis-interpretations


Whompy Whomperson
That's how media makes us see & believe.

Exactly! They say you are corrupt, you are considered to be corrupt by a majority of people just because you can't justify yourself to mass public, media is against you. The modification of news, "mirch-masala" by which they get their revenue shouldn't be allowed.

And now there is news about Kasab's death all over social networking sites, shall we expect a notice from Pakistan's police force? Al-qaeda surely must be angry/sad about this...


Cyborg Agent
clearly, if any celeb posts something wrong on twitter by mistake or without second thoughts, its gets sensationalized. I believe the kochi team owner politician, UNO something guy did it. And also p chidambaram ? don't remember..

I think you're referring to Shashi Tharoor. No he was not the owner of Kochi Team. Different Matter.

And did not know that P Chidambaram was on twitter. o_O


In the zone
you think "teenage" hackers are some sort of overlords with SYSOPS powers? seen too many "hacker" films lately, have we?
i am not a noob, i do know what hackers are capable. and no i havent seen any hacker films, infact i didn't i know there are any kind out there. Government official websites are often defaced with hate & derogatory messages by hacker groups from rival countries, since this specific issue is related to religious sentiments on internet, it can invite lot of unwanted attention which can possibly result in more much hatred shown in form of defacement.
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i am not a noob, i do know what hackers are capable. and no i havent seen any hacker films, infact i didn't i know there are any kind out there. Government official websites are often defaced with hate & derogatory messages by hacker groups from rival countries, since this specific issue is related to religious sentiments on internet, it can invite lot of unwanted attention which can possibly result in more much hatred shown in form of defacement.

nobody is calling you a noob.

and what can hackers do? take down webpages of stupid sites? expose the wrongdoings of criminals? yes, let them do it.
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